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RE: Have Gamers Become Weak?

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

I've heard some stories of play testers getting stuck because they didn't understand what they had to do and even though the game clearly explained what had to be done and how to do it, the testers still couldn't progress. This 'User Error' will be treated as a problem with the game and the solution is to make it easier to progress.

Most 'new' game entries live and die by reviews and if a buyer feels like they have wasted their time and money because they haven't progressed any then that may lead to a refund and a bad review for the game. There is also the aspect of an 'instant gratification' feeling for achieving the goal and feeling great that it was gained so easily.

So yes, games seem easier with obvious arrows pointing where to go and what to grab, there are often other elements that shaped the game to be that way.

Thank you for the post. It was an interesting read and brought up some good arguments about todays gaming experiences.