Cover made using images and elements from MoonKarts.
Hello eveyone, this post will focus on the different technological upgrades and the accessories than can be equipped to the vehicles, increasing some of their stats to gain an advantage over other players on the racetrack. Each one of the different items can be leveled up to further improve the efficiency of the vehicle.
Moonkarts is a 3D racing game on the Hive blockchain. In it, you compete against other players in real time to earn rewards such as Colony and Orbital tokens. In order to do this, you will first need a kart (vehicle) and a driver, which you can get by buying Centauri packs ($5.00 each, contains 5 random nfts) or by purchasing available vehicles and drivers directly from the market.
I made a post of all the vehicles in Moonkarts, check it out:
In Moonkarts, each kart has its own stats, which determined its performance during the race, making them unique. There are 4 stats:
- Speed: Determines the top speed you can achieve in any race.
- Handling: Determines how well you can navigate turns.
- Acceleration: Determines how quickly you can reach your top speed.
- Health: Determines how much damage your kart can take before breaking down for a short period of time.
Let's start with the technological upgrades that provide the vehicles with unique abilities and advantages on the track, amplifying their performance and unleashing thrilling gameplay, but in exchange for such power, most of them, depending on their rarity, had side effects that slightly reduce the speed, health or other stats of the vehicle.
There are 4 types of tech Upgrades, each one with their own rarities (common, rare, epic and legendaries):
- Engines
- Tires
- Body Kit
- Gearbox
Common Engine Refinement
Effect: Provides a slight increase in the top speed of the equipped vehicle by 3%.
Side Effect: None.
Rare Engine Tune-up
Effect: Boosts the top speed of the equipped vehicle by 7%.
Side Effect: Negligible impact on other stats.
Epic Engine Enhancement
Effect: Significantly enhances the top speed of the equipped vehicle by 15%.
Side Effect: Slightly reduces the acceleration of the vehicle by 2%.
Legendary Engine Upgrade
Effect: Dramatically increases the top speed of the equipped vehicle by 25%.
Side Effect: Slightly reduces the handling of the vehicle by 5%.
Common Tire Alignment
Effect: Provides a slight improvement in the handling and turn radius of the equipped vehicle by 3%.
Side Effect: None.
Rare Tire Tread
Effect: Enhances the handling and turn radius of the equipped vehicle by 7%.
Side Effect: Negligible impact on other stats.
Epic Tire Upgrade
Effect: Significantly enhances the handling and turn radius of the equipped vehicle by 15%.
Side Effect: Slightly reduces the acceleration of the vehicle by 2%.
Legendary Tire Grip
Effect: Greatly improves the handling and turn radius of the equipped vehicle by 25%.
Side Effect: Slightly reduces the top speed of the vehicle by 5%.
Common Body Reinforcement
Effect: Provides a slight increase in the health and durability of the equipped vehicle by 3%.
Side Effect: None.
Rare Gear Optimization
Effect: Increases the acceleration of the equipped vehicle by 7%.
Side Effect: Negligible impact on other stats.
Epic Gear Upgrade
Effect: Significantly enhances the acceleration of the equipped vehicle by 15%.
Side Effect: Slightly reduces the top speed of the vehicle by 2%.
Legendary Turbocharger
Effect: Drastically boosts the acceleration of the equipped vehicle by 25%.
Side Effect: Slightly reduces the handling of the vehicle by 5%.
In addition to the technological upgrades, you can make your vehicle look spectacular by equipping it with accessories, which will slightly increase the performance of the vehicle, just as the tech upgrades, accessories will also reduce other stats except when they are legendaries at max level.
There are 3 accessories that can be equipped to the vehicle and those are: antennas, wheels and exhaust pipes.

Common: Slightly increases the handling, but the health points of the vehicle are affected.
Rare: Handling increases a little more, and the health of the vehicle is slightly reduced.
Epic: Epic: The handling reaches 7 points, and the reduction in health points is almost negligible.
Legendary: Grants an incredible handling boost, and at max level the health of the vehicle no longer has negative effects.

Common: Greatly increases the acceleration, but other stats are significantly reduced.
Rare: Acceleration is slightly increased and other stats are reduced to -2.5.
Epic: Acceleration is increased to 9.5 and the reduction in other stats is less noticeable.
Legendary: Acceleration is greatly increased and other stats are no longer reduced at max level.
Exhaust Pipes

Common: Increases the speed of the vehicle but greatly reduce other stats, especially the aceleracion.
Rare: Speed increases almost nothing compared to the common ones, but the reduction in other stats is minor.
Epic: Increases speed by almost 1 more point, and the reduction in other stats is slight.
Legendary: Increases speed even further and there are no negative effects to the vehicle in the max level.
That's all for now, see you next time, take care.