Hola a todos, espero que estén super bien, yo me encuentro enormemente bien, el día de hoy quiero hablarles sobre un juego que me ha fascinado y es que jamás había visto un juego de este estilo. El juego en concreto es It Takes Two, un videojuego que me llamó la atención inicialmnte porque, solo puede jugarse con dos jugadores simultáneos! he visto juegos que dan la opción para jugar individualmente a pesar de que se disfrute mejor la aventura si juegan más personas, pero en este es imposible jugar si estás solo y tiene algo de sentido pues la trama y la jugabilidad se prestan completamente a ello. Nada se siente inorgánico y es que es un videojuego que está pensado hasta el más mínimo detalle, te contaré por qué!
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing great, I am doing great, today I want to talk to you about a game that has fascinated me and I had never seen a game of this style. The game in particular is It Takes Two, a video game that caught my attention initially because it can only be played with two simultaneous players! I have seen games that give the option to play individually even though the adventure is better enjoyed if more people play, but in this game it is impossible to play if you are alone and it makes some sense because the plot and gameplay lends itself completely to it. Nothing feels inorganic and it is a video game that is thought out to the smallest detail, I'll tell you why!
Lo primero que nos llama la atención es la trama, una sencilla por cierto, que no hace alardes de grandes tintes literarios ni profundos, nada de eso, pero hace algo mejor, nos cuenta una historia muy real para muchos que han tenido o vivido en pareja alguna vez y han atravesado conflictos. El juego nos cuenta la historia de una pareja, Cody y May la cual está a punto de divorciarse por culpa de diferents problema e inconformidades que azota su relación, simplemente ya no pueden verse el uno al otro sin pelears, su hija Rose es la más afectada por toda esta situación y esta decide ayudar a sus padres, en vano dado que ambos se rehúsan a escucharse el uno al otro, se nota que aún queda algo de amor en su interior pero al parecer no es lo suficientemente fuerte como para seguir adelante, es entonces cuando Rose mediante dos muñecos que hizo de sus padres y un libro de autoayuda escrito por el Dr. Hakim (el juego tiene muchos toques comédicos como este), lanza un hechizo a sus padres que los deja encerrados en ambos muñecos, el libro del Dr. Hakim cobra vida y les dice que para volver a su forma original deben reconciliarse y salvar su relación... si, parece una fábula infantil, pero engancha y les aseguro que las escenas graciosas y chistes les van a hacer soltar más de una sonrisa.
The first thing that strikes us is the plot, a simple one by the way, which does not boast of great literary or deep dyes, nothing like that, but it does something better, it tells us a very real story for many who have had or lived in a couple at some time and have gone through conflicts. The game tells the story of a couple, Cody and May which is about to divorce because of different problems and disagreements that plagues their relationship, they simply can not see each other without fighting, their daughter Rose is the most affected by this situation and she decides to help her parents, in vain since both refuse to listen to each other, it is noticeable that there is still some love left inside them but apparently it is not strong enough to move forward, it is then when Rose through two dolls she made of her parents and a self-help book written by Dr. Hakim (the game has a lot of different characters), Rose and Dr. Hakim (the game has a lot of different characters) decide to help her parents. Hakim (the game has many comedic touches like this), casts a spell on her parents that leaves them locked in both dolls, Dr. Hakim's book comes to life and tells them that to return to their original form they must reconcile and save their relationship ... yes, it seems a children's fable, but it hooks and I assure you that the funny scenes and jokes will make you drop more than one smile.
Si hay un apartado en el cual triunfa completamente It Takes Two es en su jugabilidad, cada nivel está perfectamente diseñado para que ambos jugadores interactúen con él para poder avanzar, muchos puzzles cooperativos sencillos pero a su vez enormemente divertidos pues es gratificante ver como a medida que avanza la aventura los dos jugadores se van acoplando a la perfección y van resolviendo más rápido los acertijos que se nos presentan. El diseño de niveles sin hacer demasiados alardes, es bueno y llamativo, en ningún momento nos sentiremos con escenarios repetitivos o reciclados de otros, son coloridos y es sencillo orientarse en ellos. Otro punto a destacar es la manera en la que se entrelazan unos con otros, mediante fases que debemos ir superando obligatoriamente con la ayuda de nuestro compañero o compañera. También encontraremos algunos jefes finales bastante llamativos y aunque sencillos de vencer, al hacerlo en cooperativo es muy satisfactorio y terminarás chocando los cinco con el otro jugador cada vez que completen un tramo en la aventura; es un juego que en trama, niveles, jugabilidad y prácticamente todo, está completamente diseñado y pensado para dos jugadores de una manera excepcional. Cada fase, puzzle y jefe del juego, están completamente acordes a la historia que se nos cuenta, y eso es algo que se agradece.
If there is a section in which It Takes Two completely triumphs is in its gameplay, each level is perfectly designed for both players to interact with him to advance, many simple cooperative puzzles but in turn enormously fun because it is rewarding to see how as the adventure progresses the two players are coupled to perfection and are solving faster the puzzles that are presented to us. The level design without making too many boasts, is good and striking, at no time we will feel with repetitive or recycled scenarios of others, they are colorful and it is easy to find your way around them. Another point to highlight is the way in which they are intertwined with each other, through phases that we must overcome with the help of our partner. We will also find some quite striking final bosses and although simple to beat, doing it in cooperative is very satisfying and you will end up high-fiving the other player every time you complete a section in the adventure; it is a game that in plot, levels, gameplay and practically everything, is completely designed and designed for two players in an exceptional way. Each phase, puzzle and boss of the game, are completely in line with the story that we are told, and that is something that is appreciated.
Otra cosa interesante son las armas, o másque armas serían las herramientas que el juego pone a nuestra disposición para superar los diferentes reto que nos presenta, y es que dependiendo de la zona en concreto en la que nos encontremos, usaremos solo dos armas, una para May, y otra para Cody. Por pones un ejemplo en la zona inicial que es la del sótano, cody usará 3 clavos, y May la cabeza de un martillo parlanchín; en la segunda zona, la del jardín usaremos un cañón de savia de árbol para Cody, y un cañón de cerillos para May, en ambos casos ambas herramientas podrán usarse por separado, pero es cuando se usan en conjunto que explotan todo su potencial y por norma, los jefes deben vencerse con sus respectivas herramientas de nivel lo que hace que no nos aburramos rápido y estemos deseosos de ver con qué nueva loca idea nos sorprenderán.
Another interesting thing are the weapons, or more than weapons would be the tools that the game puts at our disposal to overcome the different challenges presented to us, and is that depending on the particular area in which we find ourselves, we will use only two weapons, one for May, and one for Cody. For example, in the initial zone, which is the basement, Cody will use 3 nails, and May will use the head of a talking hammer; in the second zone, the garden, we will use a tree sap cannon for Cody, and a matchstick cannon for May, in both cases both tools can be used separately, but it is when they are used together that they exploit their full potential and as a rule, the bosses must be defeated with their respective level tools which makes us not get bored quickly and we are eager to see what new crazy idea they will surprise us with.
Solo me queda recomendar este juego a aquellos que deseen jugar una aventura diferente y que tengan con quien jugarlo, sobre todo si son pareja dado que es el tema principal del juego, pero también puede ser disfrutado si son familiares u amigos, es un juego que cumple con su cometido que es el de unir a dos personas de una manera magnífica, sin lugar a dudas es una obra maravillosa que nos durará unas 10 horas pero que se quedará para siempre guardada en nuestros corazones. Unos gráficos excelentes y acordes con lo que se plantea, una banda sonora que cumple pero que si me piden un defecto diría que es el apartado musical, cumple sin más pasando casi desapercibido, hubiese estado genial una implementación melódica para que el juego llegue aún más, pero no se puede tener todo. Controles sencillos pero divertidos, y un juego para todas las edades que aunque tenga un aspecto netamente infantil, si es cierto que tiene algunos guiños que solo un adulto podría comprender. Una obra sobresaliente.
I can only recommend this game to those who want to play a different adventure and have someone to play it with, especially if you are a couple since it is the main theme of the game, but can also be enjoyed if you are family or friends, it is a game that fulfills its mission which is to unite two people in a magnificent way, without a doubt it is a wonderful work that will last about 10 hours but that will remain forever stored in our hearts. Excellent graphics and in line with what is raised, a soundtrack that meets but if you ask me a defect I would say it is the music section, it meets without more passing almost unnoticed, it would have been great a melodic implementation for the game to reach even more, but you can not have everything. Simple but fun controls, and a game for all ages that although it has a distinctly childish aspect, if it is true that it has some winks that only an adult could understand. An outstanding work.
There's something special about this genre, I started giving up on a lot of PvP games that required way too much of time and energy, to make room for games like this one, simple and rewarding.
From time to time it is good to play simple games to clear our minds, and this is one of them.
Se ve bastante bueno, el tiempo de juego se va bastante acpetable y sin duda lo describes como historia bastante bonita que como bien dices "puede unir a dos personas" me gusto tu post saludos.
Que alegría que te haya gustado!
This game looks pretty great. I like that despite its slightly childish look, the story of a couple trying to overcome their relationship issues is pretty intense and intriguing. Great graphics and interesting style. The combination of toy characters in a slightly darker story reminds me a bit of Toy Story. I like the idea of them being better when combined. That's a much more positive message than some games that claim it's impossible to truly understand people. Fantastic-looking game.
You are absolutely right in what you say, it is amazing how a game can also teach us important things for our life. A masterpiece.
It Takes Two is one of the most enjoyable cooperative experiences that I have had the pleasure of playing. I convinced my girlfriend to play this one with me and even she enjoyed it, and she's not a huge gamer by any means.
I dare to say that it is one of the best cooperative experiences I have ever tried, and playing it as a couple must be the best of the best!
A great game for couples indeed.
I love this kind of games because two people can play with a lot of fun. I agree with @daltono, this game is great for couples. I've watched this game a couple times and as soon as I buy it I'm going to convince my girlfriend to play with me hahaha.
Hahaha what excuse will you use to convince her to play?
I'm going to say it's going to be a lot of fun. It truly will be!
This game seems to fulfill what we all wanted in litle nightmare II a cooperative platformer that in turn follows with a linear story, my parents also divorced when I was young and I know that for a child or a teenager that is difficult to accept but what strikes me most about this game is that even though they are both working together they can't stop arguing maybe a couple therapy would have been more effective than doing this prank to their parents, very good post greetings.
My parents also divorced when I was a child, so I think this game touched me in a special way as well.
Me too, thanks again for your post.
So everything else are not bigger, just the characters are smaller.
Liked the character designs and their costumes.
That's right, they shrank into the dummies. And yes the designs are very striking.
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