Made the Top 3 in Solos Resurgence

in Hive Gaming10 months ago

I spend most of my time playing quads and trios Resurgence but yesterday I decided to give playing Solos a chance.

In the past, I have tried a couple of Solo battles but it hardly ever ended well because I'd gotten used to the carelessness that comes with plying as a team.

So, when I play in a team, I'm usually part of a group that tries to find the right balance between offense and defense. Although, for the most part, we're just savages running around and shooting everything that moves.

So, the dynamics of Solos is slightly different because you don't have teammates that keep you alive. It is all on you and your survival is dependent on timing your actions.

In the past, I simply just tried to be a marauder, shooting everything in sight and drawing a lot of attention to myself. Well, I'm pleased to say that I didn't change and for the most part, I was either looking for kills or trying to kill whoever tried to kill me.

Overall, it was fun and I got a top 3 finish at the end of the day. Frankly speaking, I feel like I could have done better than I did. At the final moments, I got too defensive and that worked against me. In the future, I'll just continue running around and shooting everything that moves, although getting killed by gas wasn't a good look.


Me llenas de orgullo soldado