Welcome to the warzone. Been playing this map for a while now. I've not been playing it as much since I got Vanguard though.
It's as you said, Battle royal mode is tedious asf. I also get a lot of anxiety from people sneaking up on me lol.
I think it's more fun when you get into it a team of friends, rather than strangers you can't communicate with.
Whenever you're in the mood, we could play together.
Sneaking up on people is a blast, but having it done to you just sucks. Probably why I can never seem to enjoy survival horror games. Jump scares in games make gaming uncomfortable.
You can definitely add my PSN and if I'm ever on COD when you are I'll try to look for ya on my friend's list. I just haven't been playing it lately.
My PSN: Thr3EyeMindGames
I'll send you a request when next I come online.
Dope! The PlayStation mobile app is a must too if you don't already have it.
Just hearing of it. I'll get it.
Send the friend request.
My PSN name is belemo_kigzy
Got you.
Got some work to do now but I could come online in like four hours.
I'm never sure when I'll be on bro. It happens when I get the chance. I know we both stay busy working. Grind Grind Grinddddd!
I feel you bro. No worries then. I just came online and got confirmation that you received the friend request.
Whenever we're both online, we'll play.