Hello, gamers, everything ok? Today I bring you the next level of Crash Bandicoot 2, this one was more complicated for me because of its structure, Hope you like it.
Hola, gamers ¿todo bien? Hoy les traigo el siguiente nivel de Crash Bandicoot 2, este fue más complicado para mi por su estructura. Espero les guste.

The first thing I did was to advance towards the camera, that is, we can't see the road and, in addition to that, we are chased by a giant ball, very much in the style of Indiana Jones, so it forces us to advance quickly.
Lo primero que hice fue avanzar hacia la cámara, es decir, no podemos ver el camino y, aunado a eso nos persigue una bola gigante, muy al estilo de Indiana Jones, por lo tanto nos obliga a avanzar rápido.

In addition, there are several obstacles such as chasms and electric fencing, as well as nitro boxes.
Sumado a eso hay varios obstáculos como abismos y cercado eléctrico, además de cajas de nitro.

Shortly after I got the crystal and was able to pass the level.
Poco después obtuve el cristal y pude pasar el nivel.
▶️ 3Speak

And well, people, that's all for today's post, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much as always for supporting my work, I welcome new readers, I love you all very much, I send you a hug and I'll see you in another post.
Y bueno, gente, esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Muchas gracias como siempre por apoyar mi trabajo, le doy la bienvenida a los nuevos lectores, les quiero mucho a todos, les envío un abrazo y ya nos encontraremos en otro post

I made the farewell image in Canva. The rest of the images and video are screenshots of my gameplay of the game and belong to me
La imagen de despedida la realicé en Canva. El resto de las imágenes y el video son capturas de mi gameplay del juego y me pertenecen
If there's one thing I always loved about this second installment of Crash it was the level design, super challenging and creative.
On the other hand, it's great how CB2 squeezes all the graphic power of the PS one in an efficient way :) I really miss that time when developers cared about delivering well optimized games.
Cheers and great post, mate.
Yes, it is a quite enjoyable game. The truth is I love it
This type of levels are an adrenaline rush, I especially like the one with the bear chasing you.
By the way you did not break all boxes lol. Just kidding xD