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RE: Best video games of all time

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

It´s a long time ago that I was into gaming. I gave up quite early, but also started quite early. First games were on commodore, atari, then Playstation 1-3.

Games that I still remember today are ones like Golden Axe, Double Dragon, Donkey Kong :)

I havern´t played games like wow or zelda at all but I fully agree on Golden eye, what a awesome game this was?!

My all time favourites would be the Uncharted series, the Farcry Series, the first Dead Space that came out, that game gave my nightmares :)

EDIT: Forgot some oldies. Kung Fu Master and California Games, probably the first games I ever played


Double Dragon was such an awesome game. Did you ever play Bad Dudes? That game was a rip off of Double Dragon. I played the first Uncharted game and it was really good, but never played past that one.

Don´t know that one but looks fun :)

I love these open world adventure games. Almost forgot about the GTA series. Apart from that I played a lot of racing games like GT and Need for Speed.

The Need for Speed games were a ton of fun