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Metal Slug is a run-and-gun arcade game developed by Nazca Corporation. The game is part of the Metal Slug Anthology package, originally released for the PS2. The game can be played solo or in couch co-op.
Control-wise, your character can jump, crouch, or shoot in all directions - up, down, left, or right. In addition to your main weapon, you have projectiles and a trusty melee knife for some up close and personal action. Missions are pretty straightforward, with your character wading through hordes of enemies encountering boss fights and occasional platform sections.
But for the most part, you'll be killing everything that moves and blowing everything to kingdom come. Your character has a set number of lives before using a continue. You can collect new weapons or other pickups, and there are also hostages spread throughout the levels to rescue.
The enemy variety starts out basic but progresses to more challenging foes as you advance. Thankfully, from time to time, you can jump into a tank and wreak havoc. Regardless of the level you're on the gameplay is incredibly fun leaving a massive smile on your face. The premise is simple, but the actual process of playing is pure joy, especially when playing with a friend. There's nothing quite as cool as running and gunning your way through the levels, accompanied by cool graphics and hilarious sound effects.
You can set high scores, reminiscent of the old arcade days, by entering your three-letter initials onto the leaderboard. This sadly reminded me of the time when I went to my favorite arcade machine as a kid, only to realize my top score had been beaten by someone. I was not happy. Finally, the game features a free play mode with unlimited continues, which is great for a casual session. If you want a proper challenge, you can go for the original arcade setting.
Graphics & Sound
Visually, the game is very appealing, with colorful characters, silly animations, and fun explosions.
The sound effects will have you chuckling away as you navigate the chaotic levels and listen to the ridiculous death cries.
Good and Bad
What's Good: The core gameplay is satisfying, addictive, and ridiculously fun. Couch co-op is incredibly entertaining, and the free play option is a welcome addition for gamers looking for a quick session without the added challenge. The game also has massive replay value as you strive to beat your high score over and over again.
What's Bad: The levels can feel a bit repetitive, and there is a slight button lag when dealing with platform jumps.
Final Thoughts
Metal Slug is a timeless classic that still holds up as a truly great game. The gameplay is chaotic and a barrel of laughs, whether played solo or in couch co-op. It's an absolute riot and as much fun as you can have to play a game. Overall, it's a joy to play and an experience that I personally always make time for no matter how many times I've played through it
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I bet Metal Slug not just holds up as a truly great game, but also hold emotions of many guys and it's a great source of getting nostalgic.
I completely agree.
One of my favorites! SNK has always had a knack for fantastic pixel art and animations and the Metal Slug series is no different. I think one of my favorite parts of these game is how goofy they can be, but also super intense and action packed.
That's true. Thank you for reading
A game that I remember very well and also play continuously, I like its gameplay and story, its gameplay is also good for such an old game.
It's old but Gold xD
Absolutely. Y And I think it's partly thanks to its simplicity, the fact that the game is based entirely on running and shooting without thinking about anything else, makes it perfect to enjoy at almost any time, even if it's only for a few hours. For a while I had a version on my cell phone that I played from time to time for a few minutes, it always served to entertain me for a while.
Yes, I know that the mobile version. It's also fun to play.