Welcome to your little honeycomb on the Hive Blog platform. Make yourselves at home here. Especially you fellow gamers of my esteemed Hive Gaming community.

While it is true that life should be led with the utmost careful serenity, sometimes, however, making a small change in our daily routine can also do us good. That is why momentarily "unwinding" in a gaming experience can undoubtedly contribute to raising our state of health to exponential levels. In my humble opinion, that is the goal that Asantee Games is pursuing when they offer us the videogame MaGic Rampage.

Among wizards, witches, castles, spiders, dungeons, volcanoes, zombies and a captured king, who must be rescued, this medieval story unfolds that has nothing to do with traditional fairy tales. On the contrary, it is a frenetic combat full of magic that will keep us in battle from the beginning to the end of the game.

The dynamic videogame MaGic Rampage can be enjoyed optimally on our mobile devices completely free of charge. A 3-chapter RPG with 10 levels each loaded with pure unbridled action. The ergonomic distribution of the controls will allow us to be more efficient in the use of a real arsenal of weapons that will be at our fingertips. We will be able to see our character as a mage, wielding swords, daggers or magical staffs while customising him with fabulous accessories. This is a detail that we are going to love.

Asantee has managed to combine an outstanding graphic work with an excellent soundtrack. The visual effect of fortification, of all the elements that form a castle, including its dark dungeons, and the sound effect of fast action that we are going to perceive throughout this epic adventure.

This is a refreshing video game. maGic Rampage has all the features to hook us and entertain us in a big way.
It's a highly addictive game that challenges us, like chess, to protect the king!.

Freedom is the only goal worthy of the sacrifice of men's lives.
Thank you very much for joining me here.

Bienvenidos a este su pequeño panal dentro de la plataforma Hive Blog. Sientanse todos como en su casa. Especialmente ustedes compañeros gamers de mi apreciada comunidad Hive Gaming.

Aunque es verdad que la vida la debemos llevar con la más cuidadosa serenidad, a veces, sin embargo, hacer un pequeño cambio en nuestra rutina diaria también nos puede venir bien. Por eso es que "desenfrenarnos" momentáneamente en una experiencia de juego, sin duda, puede contribuir a elevar nuestro estado de salud a niveles exponenciales. En mi humilde opinión, ese es el objetivo que persigue Asantee Games cuando nos propone el videojuego Desenfreno maGico.

Entre magos, brujos, castillos, arañas, mazmorras, volcanes, zombies y un rey capturado, que hay que rescatar, se desarrolla esta historia medieval que no tiene nada que ver con los cuentos de hadas tradicionales. Al contrario, se trata de un combate frenético lleno de mágia que nos mantendrá en batalla desde el principio hasta el final del juego.

El dinamismo del videojuego Desenfreno maGico se puede disfrutar de manera óptima en nuestros equipos celulares completamente gratis. Un RPG de 3 capítulos con 10 niveles cada uno cargados de pura acción desenfrenada. La distribución ergonómica de los controles nos permitirán ser más eficientes en el uso de un verdadero arsenal de armas que estará a nuestro alcance. Podremos ver a nuestro personaje de mago, blandir espadas, dagas o mágicos báculos mientras lo personalizamos con fabulosos accesorios. Detalle este que nos va a encantar.

Asantee ha conseguido combinar un destacado trabajo gráfico con una excelente banda sonora. Logrando acertadamente el efecto visual de fortificación, de todos los elementos que forman un castillo, incluyendo sus oscuras mazmorras, Y el efecto sonoro de acción rápida que vamos a percibir a lo largo de toda esta aventura épica.

Estamos ante un refrescante videojuego. Desenfreno maGico tiene todas las características para engancharnos y entretenernos a lo grande. ¡Es un juego muy adictivo que nos reta, como el ajedrez, a proteger al Rey!
La libertad es el único objetivo digno del sacrificio de la vida de los hombres.
Muchas gracias por acompañarme hasta acá.

All content has been Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I wholeheartedly thank the
Asanteeteam of developers for the excellent job they have done in designing theDesenfreno maGicovideo game and especially for making it available to us 99.75% free of charge.
I have no words to express my deep gratitude to all the people who make up the entire platform of the translator
Deepl. Thanks to the excellent and professional translation work that you do, I am able to complement everything I write on the Hive Blog platform. Thank you very much...
An infinite thanks to all the photographers, and to all the team that makes up the
Pexelsportal, for having had the generosity and courtesy to make available to us true works of art. And to authorize us to make good use of them for free. And above all, because these beautiful photographs are free of copyright. Thank you very much...
This post has been written by me,
@bravofénix, thanks to the support of my cell phone brand: Xiaomi-Redmi Go 8. Model M1903C3GI. This feisty
team has completed three years in my service. And it has faithfully covered all my he expectations. I hope to continue counting on its good performance for much longer.
Es bueno verlo publicando nuevamente, este juego que nos trae luce entretenido y tiene un diseño gráfico atractivo.
Espero que lo disfrutes al maximo.
Gracias por el apoyo.