Hello, how are you guys? Today we return to World of Warcraft, and it's time to upload my humble priest panda. Today, as usual, we will be leveling up a dungeon, which we will enter thanks to the dungeon finder. So, let's go!
Hola, ¿qué tal chicos? El día de hoy volvemos a World of Warcraft, y es hora de subir a mi humilde panda sacerdote. Hoy, como de costumbre, estaremos subiendo de nivel en una mazmorra, la cual ingresaremos gracias al buscador de calabozos. ¡Así que, ¡let's go!
Upon hitting the dungeon finder, we quickly jump to it, and it is none other than the EVIL GROTTO dungeon. This dungeon is a bit labyrinthine, but it is quite easy to do.
Al darle al buscador de mazmorra, rápidamente saltamos a ella, y no es nada menos que la mazmorra GRUTA MALIGNA. Esta mazmorra es un poco laberíntica, pero resulta bastante fácil hacerla.
My team was made up of a tank warrior, a rogue, a mage, a hunter and, obviously, me, a priest. A fairly complete team, really, and the curious thing about this is that 3 of us were of the panda breed. Ha ha ha!
Mi equipo estaba conformado por un tanque guerrero, un pícaro, un mago, un cazador y, obviamente, yo, un sacerdote. Un equipo bastante completo, la verdad, y lo curioso de esto es que 3 éramos de la raza panda. ¡Jajaja!
What I can add about this dungeon is that, as such, it does not have NPCs; Therefore, we do not have an NPC to give us missions. So, it is a negative point, since a dungeon with missions gives us more experience and more items.
Lo que sí puedo agregar de esta mazmorra es que, como tal, no posee NPC; por ende, no tenemos un NPC que nos dé misiones. Entonces, es un punto negativo, pues una mazmorra con misiones nos da más experiencia y más ítems.
Despite being only a few minutes inside the dungeon, I quickly reached level 33. But, despite being a little stronger, things got a little complicated.
A pesar de estar tan solo unos pocos minutos dentro de la mazmorra, rápidamente alcancé el nivel número 33. Pero, a pesar de ser un poco más fuertes, las cosas se complicaron un poquito.
Unfortunately, we were not able to complete this dungeon in its entirety, and we only managed to defeat 2 of the bosses, because people began to leave, and well, we ended up jumping to another room.
Lamentablemente, esta mazmorra no pudimos completarla en su totalidad, y solo logramos vencer a 2 de los jefes, pues la gente se comenzó a salir, y bueno, terminamos saltando a otra estancia.
Even though several had left the dungeon, I meet them again in the next dungeon, and well, this one in particular is much more labyrinthine. I remember that when I was here, I got lost looking for the bosses, and I have the map.
A pesar de que varios se habían ido de la mazmorra, me los vuelvo a encontrar en la siguiente mazmorra, y bueno, esta en especial es mucho más laberíntica. Recuerdo que cuando levié por acá, me perdía buscando los jefes, y eso que tengo el mapa.
Unlike the previous dungeon, this one does have missions, meaning that extra items and more EXP.
A diferencia de la anterior mazmorra, esta sí cuenta con misiones, osea ese plus de ítems y más EXP.
What I do have to add is that, in this dungeon, we made all the bosses; None of them escaped us, since the dungeon missions were basically that, defeating them.
Lo que sí debo agregar es que, en esta mazmorra, hicimos todos los jefes; no se nos escapó ninguno, pues las misiones de la mazmorra eran básicamente eso, derrotarlos.
And well, after about 30 minutes or so, we managed to get out of here. We defeated the last boss, who had a hidden double mission, that is, more experience, and we went to the NPC to claim what belonged to us.
Y bueno, después de unos 30 minutos aproximadamente, logramos salir de aquí. Derrotamos al último jefe, el cual tenía una doble misión escondida, osea, más experiencia, y fuimos a donde el NPC a reclamar lo que nos pertenecía.
By the way, not only did I gain 4 levels, but these 2 dungeons provided me with good equipment, and I went from having an item level of 16 to having one of 24. For those who don't know, the higher that number is, the stronger you are.
Por cierto, no solo subí 4 niveles, sino que estas 2 mazmorras me proporcionaron buen equipamiento, y pasé de tener un ítem level de 16 a tener uno de 24. Para el que no lo sepa, entre más alto esté ese número, más fuerte eres.
And well, dear friends, I'm having an incredible time, leveling my priest little by little. It's a good idea to have it at level 90, but if I put a lot of hours into it, I get bored. Therefore, I am going at the pace of a winner.
With nothing more to contribute, I say goodbye. Don't forget that I am playing on the Stormforge private server, in Mist of Pandaria.
Y bueno, queridos amigos, me la estoy pasando increíble, leveleando poco a poco mi sacerdote. Ya es para que lo tuviera nivel 90, pero es que, si le meto muchas horas, me aburro. Por eso, voy a paso de vencedor.
Sin más nada que aportar, me despido. No olviden que me encuentro jugando en el servidor privado de Stormforge, en Mist of Pandaria.
Good times. It's been a long time since I leveled a character from scratch in WoW.
Greetings friend! The truth can be tedious, but it is an adventure full of anecdotes along the way, you meet interesting people
The dungeon finder is a good way to earn XP but I often grew tired of running the same dungeon several times over. Parties were often so unsocial as people just wanted to collect their loot and xp before jetting to requeue. Glad you were able to complete the dungeons and level up a bit! I haven't attempted playing on a private server but it seems like those community servers are filled with fun players.
Thank you for sharing your adventure!
I understand you perfectly, it tires and bores me that's why I try to play little, but to make the dungeon varied is to put it in the dungeon finder, (specific dungeons) this way it doesn't become so tedious.