[MINECRAFT] Un nuevo mundo #3.

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

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Salimos a buscar materiales para terminar la casa y encontramos una mina llena de oro, intentamos explorarla al máximo, tenía tantas cosas que el video se quedó corto para terminar de sacar todas las cosas. Además no podíamos salir sin armadura porque duftpank nos buscaba para matarnos. Espero que os guste la entrega de la tercera parte de la serie de Minecraft y que disfrutéis de mi contenido.

We went out to look for materials to finish the house and we found a mine full of gold, we tried to explore it to the maximum, it had so many things that the video was short to finish taking out all the things. Also we couldn't go out without armor because duftpank was looking for us to kill us. I hope you like the delivery of the third part of the Minecraft series and that you enjoy my content.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/c4lexz

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