Happy Halloween Hive Gamers!
Today I'm going to post a few scary games I've picked up recently.
The first of todays Halloween Horror games is Devil Inside Us - Roots of Evil.
In this game we play the role of an exorcist trying to rid a house of a demonic presence.
The game begins with a bit of backstory.
We begin the game on a foggy night in 1984
We need to walk up this path through some spooky fields...
Until we come to this haunted house in the middle of nowhere...
The door opens and we see the house owner who gives us some more backstory...
Time to explore the house..
When we open this door demonic visions flood our mind...
We need to find and exorcize these 2 items...
When we get close to a demonic item the screen turns red and we hear demonic voices...I didnt realise this at first but its the deers head trophy we need to perform an exorcism on...ill come back to it after finding the childs plushy bunny rabbit..
This door is locked and has a trident symbol on it....I guess we need a trident key...
This is the door to the basement, its been bolted shut.Our first main objective is to get in here and fight the demon that dwells within..
This door leads outside but its sealed by demonic forces...to open it we need to excerisce the plushy rabbit and the deer head trophy.
Rummaging through the drawers I find some caffeine pills.
This is the door to the room where the kid was killed...opening it is horrific, we can hear a child's cries...I didn't much like this part...
I guess we gotta go in...
Lets take these rosery beads to restore our faith...
The babys cries make it hard to stay in the room...
Did they have to leave that picture up?...
There is the plush bunny...lets clean the demons out of it...
Holding our crucifix up to the bunny causes the first layer of demonic energy to be removed from the door..
Now we just need to jam the crucifix into the deer trophy.....
removing the second layer of demonic energy from the door..
Now the door is open but Im not even sure I want to go outside!!...
As we venture outdoors I cant help think who the hell would live here?
Eventually we find a little shelter...
And a note with weird writing...
We also find a first aid kit...
This building which we can hardly make out in the dark is an out house..
Imagine having to come out here to poop...
Above the toilet we find the Trident Key...
Time to head back to the house...
Angela comes back to get her wallet...
As we head back to the house we hear a blood curdling scream....
Something got Angela!
The trail of bloody footprints leads to the locked basement...
One thing is for sure...I'm not cleaning this mess up!
Lets see whats behind the Trident symbol door...
Ah ha a screwdriver for removing the bolts from the basement door!
And another first aid kit...
As soon as we leave the room the lights flicker, a demon attacks us and I poop myself just a little bit...
Ok I guess its time to remove the bolts from the basement door...
An ominous descent into demon infested darkness....Happy Halloween guys!
How do you like my GIF skills?As we head into the basement the cross turns upside down...nice touch...
In the basement we need to fight this red eyed demon...
The power of Christ compels you...back demon, leave this place in the name of all that is holy!
In the back of the basement we find David's body...
It seems he was doing some artwork before he died...
The faces of this baphomet symbol are moving , I had to make a gif of it...rock on Satan!...dont stare into it for to long.....
gif by me :)
We need to perform an excorcism on the demonic art work...
Then we flash to another cut scene..
We fast forward from that fateful night in 1984 to 2020...
The house has changed alot in 36 years...I love the spooky foggy walk towards the house..
With this crucifix and this foggy environment I feel like Peter Cushing playing the role of Van Helsing waiting for Christopher Lee's Dracula to emerge from the fog...
The front door is locked we need to go around the back to these sliding doors..
Inside a phone is ringing...
We gotta head up stairs and find our guest room...
I like what they have done with the place, it may be demon invested but it looks nice, and thats a nice selection of wine...
And a nice view over the spooky fields...
This is our room I guess we should head in...
Felling tired ,I guess we should rest...
When we wake I check the cabinet and find a key to the bathroom...
As we enter the bathroom I think to myself,this is getting boring I hope something happens soon...
Then all of a sudden a demon bursts out of the shower....
And we find ourselves wandering around a hellish nightmare looking for items to exorcize....
I tried this section of the game a few times before calling it for part 1 as the video was around the one hour mark.
The game is fun and spooky and worth picking up if your into spooky first person horror titles.
Happy Halloween!
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