Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance - The Orb Of The Undead Boss Fight.

in Hive Gaming3 years ago (edited)

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Hey folks

In this post and video I'm continuing the Act 1 storyline of Baldur's Gate Dark alliance.

In my last post we headed down into the crypts below the city sewers and found out a necromantic orb had been placed deep in the Catacombs by a member of the thieves guild.

You can read the story so far here.

After clearing my way through level 2 of the Crypt we eventually come to the Chamber of Ashes where we have to destroy the Orb of the Undead.


This is a boss fight where we are faced with a few waves of undead. We start by attacking the orb it then emits a pulse of dark necromantic energy which wakes the dead. When this happens the orb cant be attacked again until the current wave of undead is cleared.

I'm playing the Elven Sorceress on the hard difficulty setting and this was a relatively challenging battle. I can take 2 or 3 hits before I die which doesn't leave much room to screw up.

I found the best way to deal with the armies of undead was to use burning hands which hits multiple enemies in front of the caster.

My Video8.gif
Gif by me.Im not sure why it plays in slow motion but the effect is kind of cool.Our Elven Sorceress uses the "run,turn and burn" technique on the first wave of undead.

Using this "run,turn and burn" method I eventually cleared the room on my 4th attempt.

My Video11.gif
gif by me.Our Sorceress smashes the orb with her Morning Star of Disruption

With the orb destroyed the Crypt is cleansed of undead. We again meet with Brother Fayed a priest whom we had encountered on the previous level of the crypt.We also find the body of Kissen,the thief who brought the orb down here.



Fayed thanks us for destroying the orb and gives us an Amulet of Protection which adds +2 to our armour class.



Fayed tells us he will send a messenger to meet us in the Elfsong Tavern.Im loving the classic D&D storytelling and voice acting in these cutscenes so I have cut them out for easy viewing here.

Back in the Elfsong tavern we find a couple of new NPCs to talk to. The messenger Fayed mentioned hasn't arrived yet but there is a member of a group named The Harpers who "Protect the realms when the realms cannot protect themselves" he wants to recruit us.


The Harpers name is Jherek,here is his dialogue.

While in the Chamber of Ashes we found a strange key on the body of Kissen ,the thief who planed the orb.

Jherek restores the enchantment on the key, this will now give us access to the next stage which is the Thieves Guild hideout. Its accessed by a secret door on level 1 of the sewers.

Before we head of to investigate this secret hideout we talk to Osala, she is Kissens girlfriend and she's been waiting for him to meet her in the Tavern.

We bring her news of Kissens death and she gives us a Ring of Protection which adds another +1 to our armour class.



There is a woman named Keaira sitting at the bar. It turns out her caravan was attacked by the Thieves guild and she asks us to recover a box of rare spices if we happen to find it.Here is Keairas dialogue.

Heading out on to the streets of Baldur's Gate we use the street entrance to level one of the sewers.


Heading east along the corridor from the stair set we find the secret door.

My Video16.gif
Gif by me.With the enchantment restored to the thieves guild key we can now use the secret entrance in the sewers

Upon entering we get a new cutscene.

Karne the leader of the thieves guild has to report to Lord Xantum and tell him the orb has been destroyed.At this point Lord Xantums identity is revealed for the first time,we find out he is a Beholder.


The difficulty level of the Thieves guild hideout jumps up significantly from that of the Crypt.

I managed to find a really nice Morning Star Of Disruption on level 2 of The Crypt...This bad boy does 9-13 damage and has a chance to proc an effect that instantly vaporises the enemy.

Armed with my Morningstar of Disruption and Eleven Sorceress spells its time to put and end to this den of thieves.


Stay tuned for the next episode...The Thieves Guild and Lord Xantum Boss Fight!

My Video21.gif
Gif by me...DRACARYS!... :D

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This game (and its sequel) were such surprise hits for me growing up. It's one of the few games I ever got my mom to play with me, and she actually stuck it out for a few hours before finally giving up!

Such a great memory to look back on; hope you enjoy the game :)