This game looks cool, has some of the classic elements of older MMO’s. Have you ever played Ragnarok Online? My friend and I played that for years! It was so unbelievably fun! Lots of grinding and getting awesome stuff.
This game looks cool, has some of the classic elements of older MMO’s. Have you ever played Ragnarok Online? My friend and I played that for years! It was so unbelievably fun! Lots of grinding and getting awesome stuff.
I have never played it, but I have heard of it, I highly recommend Tibia because it has an incredible PVP system and those of us who played it years ago feel nostalgic about doing old missions or exploring sites that almost nobody visits anymore, we also have the mysteries that few have managed to solve.
It definitely sounds like a fun game is it an install or web based now that it’s as old as it is? Miss the days of having time to grind and find awesome stuff.
You must install it if you plan to play it create an account on the "Solidera" server, my character's name is Elrond urias.