I probably won't play it again - but I wanted to share it with you

in Hive Gaming5 months ago

Version en español abajo

It's common to start games and not finish them for me, either because they don't resonate with me at the time I play them or because I don't like their mechanics, I've brought countless games to this blog like this but this is the first time I do a more extensive analysis of one of those games that I discard from my PC and never play again.

This one in particular because it has disappointed me a little, I'm talking about The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, a game that when I bought it was heard a lot in the forums, both for its indie aspect and for how well it was received by the community, I read a lot wonderful reviews about it.


It was a game that although sometimes was slow , it made up for it with good storytelling and some well-crafted characters. I have to admit that the premise of a witch trapped in a prison in the middle of space was interesting to me, but I wasn't expecting the gameplay mechanics that it would bring.


So I bought it and sat down all afternoon to play it, the game It's very close to those games that are graphic novels where you only dedicate yourself to making decisions and reading a lot of text, there is some good writing behind the premise of our witch Fortuna invoking some of the most dangerous beings to help her escape from this prison. to which she was condemned.


But this is where the real mechanics of the game come in, the Tarot deck , with which we can predict the future, not only our own but also that of the many visitors we will receive in our luxurious prison in the middle of nowhere.


The deck is the central point, since it allows us to read the future and decide how we will treat it through the text boxes that will give us the option to decide if we will choose a peaceful route where we leave our prison to go back to our witch friends, or end everything and everyone having this new power in our hands .

The animations also leave me very happy, some are well done and make me stay a while longer watching them but the problem is that there are very few for all the time we are reading and understanding our deck, I think that there you can see a bit of the seams to this indie game.



Then there is the slow pace of the game, the animations already seem slow to me and just going through the house from one floor to another seems to take too long, and also We spend much more time Talking to the spirit we invoke about some trivial things isn't bad a couple of times, it just seems like too much to me.


Something interesting about all this mechanics of the cards and the decisions we make is that we can modify Fortuna's past or how we remember it, making her reflect what the cards have told her when talking to other people and this has some interesting effects on the characters, but again I think it took us too long to discover these effects

It probably shines the most when the player is an avid reader and imaginative, much of the game's story has to go through the image that the player gives it in his head because for the majority of the game both the characters and the setting will not change too much, we We always keep in the Fortuna asteroid and from there we interact with all the other characters.


It's interesting, but it's not for me, at least not at this moment where I don't have time to read two paragraphs in a row without going to sleep, and most of the time I have for video games is at night, so I don't think I'd like spending those hours on this game too much, but at least the art is nice.




Es comun empezar juegos y no terminarlos para mi, ya sea porque no resuenan conmigo en ese momento que los juego o porque no me gustan sus mecanicas, he traido una infinidad de juegos a este blog asi pero es primera vez que me dedico a hacer un analisis un poco mas extenso de uno de esos juegos que descarto de mi pc y no vuelve a jugarlo.

Este en especial porque me ha decepcionado un poco, estoy hablando de The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, un juego que cuando lo compre venia sonando mucho en los foros, tanto por su aspecto indie como por lo bien que fue recibido por la comunidad, me lei muchas reviews maravillosas sobre el.


Era un juego que si bien algunas veces era lento, lo compensaba con un buen storytelling y algunos personajes bien trabajados, he de admitir que la premisa de una bruja atrapada en una carcel en el medio del espacio me resultaba interesante, pero no me esperaba la mecanica de juego que este traeria.


Asi que lo compre y me sente toda una tarde a jugarlo, el juego esta muy cerca de esos juegos que son novelas graficas en donde solo te dedicas a tomar decisiones y a leer mucho texto, hay algo de buena escritura detras de la premisa de nuestra bruaj Fortuna invocando algunos de los seres mas peligrosos para ayudarla a escapar de esta carcel a la cual fue condenada.


Pero aqui es donde viene la verdadera mecanica del juego, la baraja de Tarots, con la que podremos adivinar el futuro, no solo nuestro sino de las muchas visitas que recibiremos en nuestra carcel lujosa en el medio de la nada.


La baraja es el punto central, ya que nos permite leer el futuro y decidir como lo trataremos por medio de los cuadros de texto que nos daran la opcion de decidir si escogeremos una ruta pacifica en donde salimos de nuestra carcel para nuevamente ir con nuestras amigas brujas, o acabar con todo y todos teniendo este nuevo poder en nuestras manos.

Las animaciones tambien me dejan muy a gusto, algunas estan bien logradas y me hacen quedarme un rato mas viendolas pero el problema es que son muy pocas para todo el tiempo que estamos leyendo y entendiendo nuestra baraja, creo que ahi se le ven un poco las costuras a este juego indie.



Luego esta el lento paso del juego, las animaciones ya de por si me parecen lentas y solo recorrer la casa de un piso a otro me ha parecido que tarda demasiado, y tambien pasamos mucho mas tiempo hablando con el espiritu que invocamos sobre algunas cosas banales, no esta mal un par de veces, solo que me parece demasiado.


Algo interesante de toda esta mecanica de las cartas y las decisiones que tomamos es que podemos modificar el pasado de Fortuna o como lo recordamos, haciendo que esta al momento de hablar con otras personas refleje lo que le hayan dicho las cartas y esto tiene algunos efectos interesantes en los personajes, pero otra vez creo que tardamos demasiado en descubrir estos efectos

Probablemente brilla mas cuando el jugador es un abido lector e imaginativo, mucha de la historia del juego tiene que pasar por la imagen que el jugador le de un su cabeza porque la mayoria del juego tanto los personajes como el escenario no cambiaran demasiado, nos mantenemos siempre en el asteroide de Fortuna y desde ahi interactuamos con todos los demas personajes.


Es interesante, pero no es para mi al menos no en este momento en donde no tengo tiempo de leer dos parrafos seguidos sin irme a dormir, ademas que la mayoria del tiempo que tengo para los videojuegos es en las noches, asi que no creo que me guste demasiado gastar esas horas en este juego, pero al menos el arte es bonito.


 5 months ago  

I always find such games really complex... I found this game boring from this read :(

it has its moments but it didn't really appeal to me.

I hadn't heard of “The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood”, but from what I see, the theme is one of those where the characters don't interact in a certain way, only through text. Personally I don't care about them, although at some point I got to play one for a long time and it was the Yu-Gi-Oh of the PS1, the good thing about it was that at least you had to make an effort to get good cards by beating your opponents, that made it entertaining.
But only that, the rest made everything boring, I guess you experienced something like that with The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood. I also think it's normal for those things to happen hahahaha xD about quitting games, boredom is one of the causes of those situations.

I wish this game was as interesting as yu gi oh, then I wouldn't mind reading for two hours or more.