corzo cross-posted this post in Hive Gaming 3 years ago

Tracker para el control de todas tus becas/Tracker to control all your scholarships

in Axie Buzz3 years ago (edited)

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¿Cómo llevar el control de mis becas en axie infinity?

How to keep track of my scholarships in axie infinity?

Hola hola a todos, es un placer para mi poder compartir esta información que me ha facilitado el trabajo siendo manager con axie infinity.
Hello everyone, it is a pleasure for me to share this information that has made my job easier as a manager with axie infinity.


Estos dos trackers los uso y me brindan las herramientas perfectas para poder apoyar a todos mis becados...
I use these two trackers and they give me the perfect tools to be able to support all my scholarship recipients...


Tracker A


Tracker B

Y en el video les muestro algunas de mis funciones favoritas de cada tracker.
And in the video I show you some of my favorite functions of each tracker.

Les recuerdo que damos becas a la comunidad Crypto Aldea en Discord y Telegram.

I remind you that we give scholarships to the community Crypto Aldea in Discord and Telegram.

Un saludo especial a todos, espero que les guste mi video y dejen sus comentarios.

A special greeting to all, I hope you like my video and leave your comments.

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