in Hive Gaming9 months ago

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ESP: Hola amigos de Hive, queria compartirles este video cortito con la recompilacion de las kills de una de mis mejores partidas con Caitlyn!!! Excelente equipo, Riot logro un avance con el muteo por defecto del chat y la pre seleccion de las lanes que queremos jugar evitando asi la toxicidad que caracterizaba a este juego.
Te invito a ver los directos en Twitch: cr4sh66
**ENG: ** Hello Hive friends, I wanted to share this short video with the compilation of the kills from one of my best games with Caitlyn!!! Excellent team, Riot made progress with the default muting of the chat and the pre-selection of the lines we want to play, thus avoiding the toxicity that characterized this game.
I invite to you to see the streams on Twitch: cr4sh66

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