in Hive Gaming9 months ago

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ESP: Hola!!! como andan Hivers! les dejo la segunda parte del gameplay de este juego que por ahora, esta muy bueno! se los recomiendo. Aprovecho para dejarles una pequeña reseña en PeakD en la comunidad de Hive Gaming: PRIMERAS IMPRESIONES EN PACIFIC DRIVE. Y por ultimo les dejo mi Twitch, ya que VIMM se nos va, nos encontramos en Twitch, un abrazo a todos!! TWITCH
ENG:Hello!!! How are Hivers doing? I leave you the second part of the gameplay of this game, which for now, is very good! I recommend it. I take this opportunity to leave you a small review on PeakD in the Hive Gaming community:FIRST IMPRESSIONS ABOUT PACIFIC DRIVE And finally I leave you my Twitch, since VIMM is leaving us, we meet on Twitch, a hug to all!! CR4SH TWITCH

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