Giveway **Lvl 5 Golden Biceratops** $25 Valued Card - See Post for Details

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Lvl 5 Golden Biceratops

$25 Valued Card Giveaway

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Write a Post about Diablo 2 and Link it in Comments Below


  • Post must be at least 500 words
  • Post must include 2 pictures
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  • Post may include a review of d2jsp comparing it to Hive

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I followed you on Twitter with @elbrava1, but I don’t know much about diablo2. Certainly not enough for a post about it.

aww man you are missing out. not even from back in the day?!

count me in please

count me in @jfang003

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You got to write a post about diablo did you read the post? This one ain't being given away easy!

Sorry. It's late at night and I must have missed it. I'll skip this one as it's been a long time since I played Diablo 2 and work has been keeping me busy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta