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RE: My Ranking in Townstar Nft Competition!

yes and no lol For the last gala competition only the top 1k could get gala so unless you have a lot of skill on making a good town or a lot of nfts to help, it be very hard to win those competitions. However the new nft competitions are easier to get an nft. But at least its free play for now. I would say the one downside you have to leave game up on browser the whole time, for me not a big deal since I work from home. So hope this information helps!


Appreciate the info! So if you do not make top 1k you don't earn anything?

for gala competitions sometimes they have the top2k or top 1k. They announce the reward structure in their discord before competition starts. But if you dont rank in the that number yes you dont get anything. it was easier when not many ppl knew about it but competition can be fierce lol