Even though I knew little to nothing about the game, I still preordered and was playing The Witcher 3 at launch. Of course I fell in love with the game. One of the missions that I remember most vividly was a side quest. Even those were so well done. The particular one in mind tasked me with helping a guy find his wife. Turns out she was a werewolf and was living in a cave beneath his house. Idk why, but I thought that was so cool.
I’ve seen many claim that Black Flag is STILL the best AC game ever. It's funny that the new Skull & Bones Ubisoft game looks like it's going to be even less of a true pirate experience thank Black Flag was.
I have RDR2, but just wasn’t able to get into it. Was too slow for me. Although, I did love the other Red Dead games a lot.
Now that you have the new PC, it’s time to play the latest and greatest.
I had almost 300 hours in I think, side quests, gear hunting, exploring, you name it. It surely was addictive back then. I think I'll do another playthrough on this new rig, see if the experience is "better" or improved in some way.
Wasn't it the opposite? Yes, the husband was looking for the wife, but it was actually the husband who was the werewolf, he ended up killing the wife by mistake when he transformed into a werewolf at night. It's either this mission or a different one you've mentioned, because I really can't recall any female werewolf being in the game.
Yup, many would agree, but many say that it's more of a pirate game than an Assassin's Creed game, maybe it is, but I don't see anything wrong with that. And I said the same thing when I first saw Skull & Bones, looks a lot like AC Black Flag, but I really don't know how that game is, never tried it.
I call the GTA Cowboy version, and who doesn't love some GTA? 😂 Need to get my hands on it ASAP and put this rig to good use.
I really hope it’s a huge jump forward with this updated next-gen version they are planning on giving away free to owners of the complete edition.
Ahhh you refreshed my memory even better. I see you remember that mission too, a bit better than me. It’s been about 7 or 8 years since I played that, but it stuck out to me. I love how when you dive down into the bottom of a well, it actually leads to the source of the water underground and you can swim out of the caves into a pond or lake.
I have Witcher 3 claimed on GOG, got it for free I guess, even though I bought it back in 2016 on Origin. Will need to check my GOG account. The experience would've great on 1440P I'd say, but that's gonna have to wait for now.
It's quite a memorable mission, on top of that, no a lot of werewolves in the game, so it's quite easy to remember.
Those are spooky man, can't really tell when you're gonna get jumped on by a water hag or some other type of monster. I try my best to avoid those little swimming sessions haha.