(Origin: By EA)

You and advertise a game?
I had never written anything about a product/game before because they
just never been worth, just look at the games out there and u will
notice how loveless and profit-oriented they were produced,
I mean just look at how much all the story games are
have gone back just because they are nowhere near as big a win
would contribute like a 0815 Battle Royale game including Battle Pass can do
in story games you at most only sell dlc's and even them
aren't doing nearly as well, because the main focus is laid on this one story !
I can't even imagine what that would look like, we would have in something like that
also a pay system, you should then to get to the capital respectively
Pay 0.50$ or to get certain items / to be able to reach a higher level
That the games now cost €100+ in the ultra mega rip-off edition
still takes my breath away, when I was young it would be
been unthinkable but well, they're educating the current generation on that
get used to that there are no "real" games anymore just only
this one half-lived rip-off system.
Uff but now I've come strong off from the way, so guys Mass Effect, why i promote
exactly this game? and no there is not a affiliate Link,
I don't even make a cent with this blog,just get it when you can cheap enough
as a used version and save a lot of money
I only want to show this masterpiece to people who don't know it!,
my wife herself was at the beginning not a fan of it until she saw me
again and again on it and play it now for herself,
she also spent hours reading content from the game to get more experience about it,
something like:
- The species that exist in this galaxy
- The umpteen planets with their properties
- Human advances over the time
- The dangers and conflicts among themselves
- The problems of this time (2180)
And so on, you just don't believe how profound and well done this game is!!

Okey in depth and how is the gameplay?
I've never seen so many cutscenes in a game before,
especially how well made they were. Don't even want to know how many
Millions of dollars were invested in these scenes, here are some examples:
Unfortunately, I can only find these few good spots but the really epic cutscenes
Unfortunately, the ones that left my mouth open cannot be found in Google!
In any case, the game is a very good mix of storytelling just like the
telltale games are and shooter like Borderlands can be
but also with abilities to levitate enemies or things etc.
they almost always created the perfect mix both the shooter like
also to satisfy the skill as well as the story enthusiast and that with
a story including umpteen side quests over 3 whole parts!
The whole plot twist, unexpected events, side stories and
especially how even secondary characters were staged, I have
guaranteed not to be experienced a second time!!
In over 100 hours of play, I've only experienced half of this universe
because I often just ran through instead of enjoying the moment
like my wife does when she plays the game,I definitely would
advise you to make it there is a lot more to discover than you might think at first!
And what exactly is it about??
Wrapping it all up in just a few sentences is pretty difficult and on top of that
I don't want to spoiler a single detail, but let's put it this way,
it's all connected!
First of all you get to know the whole game world in part 1 over 20 hours,
learn about the different species, the great danger you learn about
and above all the umpteen problems and conflicts, just like here in the world.
Wars here, resource and climate problems there and so on...
In part 2 you will delve even deeper into the whole thing in over 20 hours
will build you a new crew, a complete one from the start
unexpected direction, the danger
from the first part has found new methods to become even more menacing
and finds it all the more frightening that once again no one listens to you just because
like in Part 1, you cannot present any real evidence either. learn
know your crew really well and, as I said, the universe as well
the species including the impending danger much more intense!
I talk so obscure because otherwise you get to many spoilers!
And in part 3, well, the danger is In front of the door and that's what it's all about
to apply the accumulated knowledge, to unite the conflicts out there
with the species to have a real chance getting through the whole thing...
the ending is different for everyone because there a total of 4 different ones
but how exactly they differ and whether that is so much constitutes or,
as in the telltale games, only one shows the difference
but in the end it doesn't even matter much, I won't spoiler here.

Last words
It's up to you whether you dare to try, but I really can only recommend you
to say one thing, you know those moments that you wish others had
also seen to understand why you are so or think like this?
This is one of them but one of the ones where you can also see why
I and many others including my wife are so enthusiastic about the game
and I would really recommend it to you, get it cheap and used
at the store of your choice and see for yourself what I've been talking about here!
I could easily play through the part again just to experience the other ends too!
kenn das game noch nicht, werd ich mir anschauen
Unbedingt, ich habe das Teil auch erst jetzt entdeckt
und saß jeden Abend stunden lang davor..
Junge ich hab da mal eben 100 Stunden versenkt 😲
wow, thats crazy :D
Du entfolgst mir?
this is one of those games I would only play once due to personal choices.
Tali, best girl~ 🤣
That's it!
You can influence the story a bit
Games with only one linear story are so boring
but this game also has so much to discover, it's amazing! 😲
Tali, yes she was nice and so helpful
but my favorite charakter was garrus and jacob.
[edit] my fav is tali and legion.

Nice 😄
Not my favorite game of all time, but I sure did love Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. The first time that I ever walked into the Citadel, my gaming expectations were forever raised to a much higher level. I haven't played the new re-release that just came out... I got burnt out after Andromeda.
Nah the new re-relase isn't worth when u already
know the whole story but yes in my opinion was Mass Effect 2
the best one of this triology!
Thank u a lot for stopping by!!! 👌