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RE: Updates, live & incoming

in Hive Gaming5 years ago

Job Center give you 3% ore 6% chance to train homeless/immigrants into workers/artists/scientists. For every 100% one of the immigrants/homeless will be trained, for less than 100% it is lottery.

School give you education, which works as base for technology discovery.

This mechanic is quite complicated :)


It means I should have bought basic homes first rather than investing in job center.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yes you always need population in your city to earn anything and for buildings to work. Can't have ghost town with Job Center and no people to work there :)

Learning by doing is the mantra of the day. There is always next time.😇

But since you have job center, now can buy cheap homeless or immigrants cards for population cheaper than basic home

Oh, immigrants and homeless are considered city citizens? I thought they would reduce the popularity of your city and hence reduce the income. Is that right?

Popularity and Income are different. Popularity effects population. You don't want to have a negative overall population, but if they are in balance immigrants and homeless are workers.

Thanks. I would rather focus on population first.

Oh I thought the immigrants and homeless will decrease the popularity and hence reduce your income. Is that right? What is more important - population or popularity for income?

popularity works as population multiplier. Negative popularity effect should be very small from few immigrants/homeless. population and income is most important

Okay. I better read the FAQ section 🤣