in sims 3. when a 'object' turns purple it means one thing, it wasn't able to access the model file.
hardware 'read' issues can do this(age-ing/faulty hdd or out of memory). this can also be caused by incorrect skin paths. or mods that double dipped(duplicate mods or mods using the same id)
it's just that I never experience this...yet.(THANK GOD!)
making a resort in island paradise is just impossible. 🤣🤣🤣
but damn first couple of hours huh. that's terrible.
And not only in the Sims 3, in many other games too. It wasn't that type of purple. 🙂
And Island Paradise is the glitchiest mess of them all. 😅 Tried it once. Performed all the fixes including removing certain families and houseboats, still na-da and I never went back to it.
Anyway, it doesn't matter. Won't be trying the sims again unless I get an older system with Windows 7 on it so I can run it as if it were "back in the day."