This game is perfect

Every now and then a game comes along that takes you on such an amazing adventure and it reminds you why you love playing video games. For me, Baldur's Gate 3 is one of those games.

The game begins with you being captured on some alien type space ship where put some little tadpole thing in your head. You learn that you will eventually turn into one of the alien looking things that look straight out of an HP Lovecraft story.

You manage to break free, along with a few other captives and try to find a way to escape the ship, but then it gets attacked by dragons that eventually blow up the ship.

The ship crashes in the wilderness and that is where your adventure begins. There is something really fun about beginning an adventure that you know nothing about. I have never played any of the other Baldur's Gate games before, but I did play a lot of Dungeons and Dragons as a kid.

One of the coolest parts of this game is how the story intertwines between all the characters you meet and your decisions you make really shape the story and have massive impacts on how things go. From what I have heard, you can either choose how to get rid of the parasite in your brain or you can accept it and harness its power and become truly evil.

I think I have played for nearly 12 hours or so and I am really enjoying this game. It is a bit slower paced than normal RPGs because of the turn based combat. I wasn't sure if I was going to like that or not, but after getting used to it, I really like how the combat is in this game. There is so much freedom on how you approach combat.

There is quite a learning curve to the combat when you first start playing. You can only move a certain amount of spaces during your turn. Then you have Actions and Bonus Actions that you can do as well. Learning to balance everything that your different characters do is imperative to winning the battles.

Another cool thing about this game is that you have to take rests to recoup your HP and spell slots and stuff. During a rest, your group all meets up at a camp and the story progresses at the camp as well. It is cool how just about everything that you do in the game can progress the story and the camp is a really cool way to get to know all the characters in your party.

One thing that took me getting used to was that there really aren't the traditional quest givers. Normally on these types of games, quest givers are marked with a ? on their heads or the map. In this game, you have to talk to people to figure things out and based on how you talk to them, they will tell you stuff that updates quest markers or begins a quest. It really helps with the whole immersion of the game.

This game is also a ton of fun to play while stoned. It is a ton of fun to get high, and then wander around in this world. I was walking past a building and heard some banging and smashing, and when I opened the door, these two goblins were having sex and got mad when I interrupted them, so I had to kill them. It was hilarious.

If you are looking for a really fun RPG to take you on a crazy adventure, then you really need to check this game out. There have been a lot of great games come out this year, but nothing has been as fun for me as this game. It reminds me a lot of how excited I was when I was playing Elden Ring for the first time. This game is so good.
The very first Baldur's Gate was released in the late 90's if I'm not mistaken. It's amazing to think that we're just only on the third installment (main) after 20+ years. And yeah anyone new to the game would require a bit of learning curve.
Ya, it is nice to see companies take their time on games instead of pushing out a cut and paste copy of the same stuff, like COD and just about every sports game ever made.
The game looks great. Character creation is awesome. I already bought the game even though so far I don't have a SSD that seems to be necessary to play the game... I think that it has potential to be the best game since Witcher 3 and that game is perfect for me.
I could never get into the Witcher world. If you are a fan of RPGs, I really think that you will enjoy this one. Hopefully you can get the SSD situation figured out so you can play it.
Ahh man, I keep convincing myself I don't need to play it and then a post like this comes along and I feel like I'm totally missing out. Gonna just buy it I think lol.
It is one of the best games to release in the past few years. The story is really cool and there are so many different ways the story can go. It really is your own adventure.
Oh man, I haven't seen much about this game, but if you say it's going to be this year's game, it's possible because you have good taste in games. The graphics look really tempting.
This game is amazing. If you can play it, I highly recommend it.
I think you got farther than me. Did you encounter the Trolls in the Blighted Village having a shag? 😀
Ya, I caught them in the act, it was hilarious. How far into the game are you? I just defeated all the goblins in the goblin camp.
I hit L4. The Goblins..., I started taking sections of them out at the camp, but the bosses are really tough. That Drow took my team apart in seconds. Should I do them a little at a time? I didn't side with that purple-haired goblin locked in the cage.
I let the people in the grove kill that goblin that was prisoner. I have the game on the easy setting for my first play through, so it isn't that hard for me. It still has some challenge to it though because I am not very familiar with the spells and everything else you can do.
Ah.., mine is on Balanced, and you have to play it right or get hammered. The goblin in the grove, that's not played out yet.
It is a refreshing surprise to hear about a big budget recent release that isn't full with bugs to oblivion (and promises to fix it in endless patches) and been so well regarded by players. Really sounds like the game that fans of the previous games could have ever wished for 😄
I have only found a couple minor bugs so far. This game is really cool and the story can go so many different ways. It will keep people busy for a long time.
The quality of the game image is very good, I am surprised at the rendering
It does look really good.
This game is really getting a big player base! I just hope the game is able to retain it!
Have fun broH!
Thanks man. Hopefully you can try it one day.
Tiene unos grandes gráficos es un buen juego .
It is super cool.
I’d say decade.
I dont know about game of the decade. I am a huge fan of Elden Ring, but this game is pretty close. Maybe once I get more into the story, it may change my mind and be better than Elden Ring.
Elden Ring would be one of the ones that would compete for it for sure. I also loved Hades but it isn't as big of either of these games.
Hades was pretty good. I think I put about 10 hours into that one.
I put a lot more into it, beat it and still played a bit after that. The game gets better as you go along.
You see they just announced Hades II.
Nice, I bet that is going to be a good one. Did you ever get into The Binding of Isaac? I think that is my favorite game in this genre.
No, I have looked at a few times as it constantly comes up on Steam as recommended for me. I've looked at it, just doesn't look like my thing.