Getting my wife into gaming


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It Takes Two


I have been playing video games pretty much all of my life. My wife, well she isn't really into gaming at all. She plays Mario Kart or Mario Party, but other than that, she is not one to really want to play any games.


I had always wanted to give It Takes Two a try and when I showed the trailer to my wife and suggested that we play it together, she got pretty excited about it. The game is made to play with another person, whether it be local or online. I figured that this game would be one of the best ones to introduce my wife into the world of video games and show her how cool the stories can be.


It Takes Two is about a husband and wife that decide they are getting a divorce. When they tell their daughter they are divorcing, then she goes to her room and cries and wishes that her parents will love each other again.


The wish ends up turning them both into dolls and when they wake up, the Book of Love tells them the only way they can get back into their human bodies is if they work together.


So the entire premise of the game is to get back to your daughter and work together and hopefully by the time you are finished, they have rekindled their love and stay together. It is a pretty wild adventure full of crazy encounters and a lot of fun.


It is a coop adventure that requires a lot of team work. My wife wasn't really used to the controls on games like this and it was pretty overwhelming for her at first. One thing I really like about this game is that when you die, you really don't have to backtrack at all. This makes it really good for people that are newer to video games because it isn't as frustrating for them.


The graphics are really cool, but the story is where this game really shines. It gives some great insight to what kids may be feeling when parents are fighting and thinking about divorce. It is a pretty emotional journey and one that I think a lot of couples can relate to. Well, except being recruited by squirrels to take out a nest of wasps. I don't think that anyone can really relate to that.


The game is full of minigames that you can play against each other. My wife liked these games because it gave her a chance to work on her button skills. She is new to the Playstation controller and is still learning the buttons.


It Takes Two is an amazing game and we have been having a lot of fun playing it together. It is made by Hazelight, which has made a few other coop games as well. They made the game Brothers, which I played a few years ago and really enjoyed. They also made a game called A Way Out, which we are planning on playing next. It is about two people that break out of prison. This studio does a great job creating games that really change the way that you play video games together.


If you have never played It Takes Two, I highly recommend finding a friend or loved one to enjoy this game with. It is really a special game that can bring you closer together in your relationship.

 last year  

If you like the idea of how Take Two does local coop, you need to play A Way out! It's made by the same developers and you play as one of two guys ( your partner plays as the other) as you go on a quest for vengeance! Played it with my cousin and had an absolute blast!

We are both pretty excited to try A Way Out once we are done with this one. It is cool to see my wife excited to get into gaming like this.

 last year  

The family that games together... :D

 last year  

I'll be honest, I skimmed through this article and missed the last paragraph! It's awesome you're going to be trying that out next!

I'm glad you were able to bring your wife into the gaming world. I really want to play this game with my wife after I get married. For now we don't have the equipment to play this game together, but that doesn't mean we won't in the future. Who knows, maybe this game will get her hooked on games too.

We're in the exact situation... I've played games my entire life, and my wife can really only play 2D games like Super Mario because she hasn't really learnt how to navigate 3D worlds with the controllers and she's not super good at games that require exact timing.

I've watched a couple of Let's Plays with this game and it looks so fun but I've never picked it up because I thought it would be way too hard for her. It's probably cheap enough now to give it a try and then not worry about it if it doesn't stick for her.

I think this would be a good game for her to get into gaming with. It is a pretty easy game to learn controls. My wife had a real hard time with the 3D controls at first, but is getting more and more used to it.

If you have Xbox or Playstation, this game is free with their subscription services. I don't know what it cost for PC though. If you get this game, I am sure you will both enjoy it.

Oh.. we've got a PS4 that is essentially the media center for the house. I didn't realise it was free. That's awesome! Thanks dude!

Enjoy man. Its a ton of fun.

This game is absolutely fantastic. I played a couple of hours of it with a friend like a year ago.

I plan on finishing it with my girlfriend, she's already into games so getting her to play this will be very easy. I told her about the game and she said it looks lovely.

I hope that you both enjoy it. It is a lot of fun so far and seems to just be getting better.

I will check this one out. Me and my wife play a lot of Don't Starve Together. Have you ever played it? Super fun! Been thinking about making a post about it for a while, might do it soon.

I played Don't Starve for a couple hours, but couldnt get into it. Not really my cup of tea.

I hear that pretty often and I can understand why. The start of the game is a bit boring and not so easy. But it gets much better later in the game.
I just checked out It Takes Two, reminds me a bit of Rayman or Little Big Planet. Me and my wife also played a lot of these two.

We are going to be playing Sackboys Big Adventure soon as well. Little Big Planet is such a fun series.

It is a very fun game honestly. I run a gaming business and I have it on my PS 4. Though, customers barely consider it, still, I can't get less fun whenever I play with my peers. When I get married, I'd definitely get this for my wife and I. When the sea gets tough, we just unwind and rekindle ourselves.

Playing video games with your spouse is awesome.

That is so amazing! Who would of ever thought something like this would be available way back when Pong was made. Crazy

Games are wild now man. It will be cool to see where they go in the next 20 years.

I want to play this game with my GF as well. Just need to get a second controller for the PS5. We've been playing Left 4 Dead 2 lately. Good to see her progressing past the Sims.

Sims to Left 4 Dead? That's quite the jump. If she enjoys Left 4 Dead, she will love It Takes Two.

 last year  

I had heard of this game but hadn't heard of the type of story it was...that's so heartwarming :,)

That said, it is great that it is a game that you can play with your wife!

The description of this being a game where cooperation is crucial to progress reminded me of that time I spent a good while playing a set of chambers in Portal 2 coop splitsceren with a friend, and after spending several minutes stuck in the last one, we actually yelled in victory when we finally figured out the one missing piece to our puzzle. We played a lot of games (most notably fighting games) but I didn't expect that day to be sitting playing Portal 2 on another friend's Xbox 360, spending a lot in those puzzles and then rejoice with a triumphant victory (for us, Glad0s wasn't so flattered) after getting it done.

Portal was such a cool concept when it came out.

Interesting game story and funny that this game will Bring your wife to video games. Enjoy your time!
!ALIVE !DHEDGE !hivebits !hiqvotes

Thanks man. We are enjoying it so far.

Girls as they are don't like to do such things but the way you mentioned this game is very interesting I haven't yet but I will definitely play it in the near future. It is good that you have brought your wife into gaming industry.

 last year  Reveal Comment

Nice man. I am glad you found someone to play this one with. I was hoping that A Way Out was free on PS Plus, but it is only free on Gamepass, so I will need to buy another Xbox controller so my wife and I can play that one next. Hopefully she doesnt have a hard time with a new controller.

 last year  Reveal Comment

Hopefully it gets added in the next week or two so I dont need to buy another Xbox controller.