Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - First Impressions

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I love this series


A few months ago, I saw that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was going to be releasing and Fallen Order was free on Playstation Plus and even had an upgraded PS5 version, so I had to give it a try because Survivor looked like it was going to be an amazing game.

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I am not a big Star Wars fan, but Fallen Order is one of my favorite games I have ever played. When I completed the first game, I was super excited for Survivor to come out.

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I have been playing this new one for about a week and I am really enjoying it. It got some bad reviews and it sounds like a lot of the problems that people are having with it are some graphical issues on PC. I think I heard that there were some day one issues on PS5, but it looks like those have been taken care of because the game runs great for me.

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There are some choppy frame rates at times and the textures can seem a bit weird every now and then, but the game still looks and plays amazing for me. I am playing it on performance mode on the PS5 though. I turned performance mode off to see how it looked in 4K, but the frame rate was pretty bad and it made it unplayable. It didn't look too different to me either.

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The art design in these games have always been really cool. There is always so much going on onscreen, whether it is foliage moving in the wind, cool atmospheric lighting or animals running around. The game looks beautiful.

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The game seems to have picked up a few years after the first one ended. Cal is still searching for more Jedi to fight against the Empire. The story is pretty cool so far. You reunite with a lot of friends from the first game and recruit some new ones.

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Survivor already seems a lot bigger and more ambitious than the first one. There are so many more little world bosses and monsters to fight.

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One cool thing in this one is that you have a homebase that is a cantina named Pyloon's Saloon on Koboh. The cantina has a bunch of cool things you can do and people to recruit to be a part of the cantina. Right now I just have a few different people in there, like a DJ and some little alien dude that collects fish for the fish tank. It is a pretty fun way to stay engaged with the people in this world they have created and really make it a personal place to hang out.

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One of the best parts of these games is the world building. Most games are pretty linear and you just run in a straight line across the world, but in this game, the devs really put a lot of time into crafting a really cool world to explore and navigate through. The map in the game is pretty useless in my opinion because you dont just go straight from one point to another. You have to traverse up and down ledges and through little passageways to get around and that is a bit hard to see on the map. I barely use the map and just go exploring because there is so much to see.

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Combat is pretty similar to the first one, but there are so many new upgrade paths. The game plays a lot similar to the Souls games as well. When you die, you drop your XP and you have to go back to where you died and collect it before dying again. You also have stims that heal you and the only way to replenish them is to rest, but in doing so, all enemies you killed are revived.

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This game also focuses heavily on parrying and dodging. The combat is so much fun. Running around cutting through enemies with dual light sabers is pretty cool.

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I am taking my time with this game because I don't want to rush through it too fast. There is a lot more content in this one than the previous game. There is a lot of optional side quests that reward you with health, force and stim upgrades and there are so many cool cosmetic upgrades to find as well.

Overall, I am really enjoying this game. If you were a fan of the first one, I think you will like this new one as well. I can't wait to see where this story takes me.

 2 years ago  

Fallen Order and Survivor look incredible. It’s unfortunate to hear about the PC issues but glad to hear it’s been fixed on PlayStation. I’m slowly making my way through KOTOR—which I need to hurry up on haha, but every time I see a post on these last two Star Wars Jedi games I’m always amazed by how far Star Wars has come in 20 years. Hearing that it’s similar to the Souls games just makes me want to play them even more. Dropping experience points when you die is tough but feels all the more rewarding when you return and rescue them haha.

I'm not a Star Wars fan, but the game looks pretty good from every perspective. They've improved a lot compared to an old game I saw on Hive Gaming recently.

The new Star Wars games have been amazing. I never got into the Star Wars movies but the games have been a lot of fun.

I'm dying to play this. I loved Fallen Order and pretty much everything Star Wars. I stopped buying games on day one though. I'll get my hands on this one eventually.

Ya, there have been a lot of disappointments lately at launch. This one is pretty good though. I am sure you will really enjoy it when you do play it.

I didn't play the last one until 2021 despite it coming out in 2019. Hopefully, it doesn't take me that long again.

He visto varios videos de este juego y sin duda abra que tomarse su tiempo para cerlo todo y reaccionar a todo l oque puede ofrecer, sin duda este hace revivir aun mas esta bellisima saga y sin duda lo hace brillar, aun no he podido probarlo de primera mano pero lo que es la jugabilidad y los entornos me han dejado muy sorprendido.
I have seen several videos of this game and without a doubt it would be necessary to take your time to see everything and react to everything it can offer, without a doubt this brings this beautiful saga to life even more and without a doubt makes it shine, I have not yet been able to test it first hand but what is the gameplay and the environments have left me very surprised.

Ya, without a doubt

It looks amazing, i really hope once the performance issues are over the game itself can really shine because it looks like it has so much potential

Got this for the PC and stopped just after unlocking the homebase, as the framerate was just horrible!

I've heard some people still are having framerate issues over on the ps5, and that they want an option to turn RT off.

I haven’t been having any issues running it on performance mode on my PS5. I’m enjoying it so far.

I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on this game. I really liked the first one, even though I've never been good at those Dark Souls style games.

I am decent at the Souls games. They can be a bit frustrating and slow going, but I really do enjoy them. I’m glad that you can change the difficulty in the Star Wars games though. I just like exploring and the story of these.

I think this is one of the games with the best story.
Although I don't like Star Wars movies, I really liked this game.
I think I like games with movies more than movies with games.
Yes, I know, it's a very strange distinction.
By the way, I love playing with the lightsaber. I played in a game years ago with a lightsaber. 😀

Glad you enjoyed it as well. I am having a lot of fun with it.

I really like this new trend of making good singleplayer Star Wars games, they owe it to us after having cancelled 1313, even so I've seen videos where they say that it still needs work with the bugs and performance on pc, I hope you enjoy it

I prefer a good single player game with an awesome story over multiplayer games now anyways. There are usually so many issues with multiplayer games lately that it makes it hard to enjoy them.

Bro, I really wanted to play this game, I meant the prequel of this game. But i was hesitant that i didn't watched any star wars movies before but im planning to watch it tho, can i play it without getting spoiled and can i understand the story without any knowledge of star wars? I'd appreciate your insight! May the Force be with you!"( i know this phrase from memes) : )