It's all coming together

Last night, @hiro-hive and I got together one the Hive server I created for Valheim. He has a lot more experience with this game so he found a good place for us to start building the settlement for everyone that wants to join the server. Right now we just have one home, but I will be working on getting some more longhouses made and then start constructing the great hall.
If you want to join us in the server, all of the information for it can be found here:
Thanks for tuning in.

Awesome! I won't be able to join you today. Was supposed to get some work done but went out Geocaching instead, so I'll have to work now instead.
On the server with my friends we've built an entire keep now. Complete with a pub.
That is awesome. I need to learn how to build some stuff like that.
How cool, I want to join you, but at the moment I don't have a good computer, when I do I'll join you, I'm excited!
Looking forward to it.
I tried, but I only got 18 fps with graphics at minimum. Soldier down, please press F.
Let's have a moment of silence for that video card. Hopefully you can get a new one soon and jump in the game with us.
Hold my beard, I'm coming!
Go away scammer