All LABFUND tokens completely sold out!

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Just 7 days after the initial announcement, and now the real work begins!

Here is the list of the top backers of the @superlab project:


I see you smaller investors too! All in all we have 25 different accounts participating, and only 5 are controlled by me 😅

So that was a success! The next question is, of course:

What do we do now?

First of all, I have to continue to operate the trade, which I have discussed in detail in the past. I will not rehash the math portion here, see that post for details.

And actually concerningly, the trade seems to be drying up! We have absorbed over 15,000 citizens and there are very few left on the market at the reasonable prices we were getting. As of the time of writing we have raised the floor citizen price to 350 sim and we will see what happens from here, more on this in future posts. How fast can we push this last ~4000 HIVE through?

It is time to make some decisions as a fund how we want to manage this. The way I see it we have two options at this point, considering the amount of available citizens is shrinking. We can either rebate the token or push it all through.

Option 1 - Rebate the token.

This option is the 'protect the ROI calculation at all costs' method. If we rebate, theoretically as much as 0.4 HIVE per token, then we are dealing with only a 0.6 HIVE per token base on which to calculate returns off of. Some level of rebate may be necessary to keep the token at or near the dreamy 200% apr numbers.

Option 2 - Push it through

We can continue pushing the trade through, gradually raising the floor overtime and eroding the profitability of the trade. Part of the killer speculative ROI that we have seen so far is having gotten in first, and gotten in fast. Now that these facts seem to have settled into the market, aprs drop, like always.

But maybe they are still quite profitable enough to continue, keep pressure on the market but not go ape, and still get moderated 150% aprs, or thereabouts.

And on this point, how much over the next year do we want to recompound into the same trade? Using SIM income to buy more citizens (who are continually being mined) and turning them into weapons of war shares. The aprs are still good/great, just the currency risk increases with SIM over time.

Vote on it?

Express your opinions below. In the end I will likely do some combination of these two things, and which level I do them will depend on how the market for dCity citizen NFTs reacts over the next days or week. There are still a lot of citizens to shake out. But are these dead accounts? People bored by the crypto bear market? Or are these economic actors likely to respond to an increased price floor for their NFT collection?

Time will give us some data. And I hope you investors will too, especially @spinvest, @splinterbin,, @frugal-fun, @leosoph, @blicklicht, @daveks @stickupcash, @summertooth, @votebetting, @dbooster, @dera123, @dagger212 and of course all of the smaller holders please chime in with your thoughts.

As for @splinterbin's question - how are we going to get paid?


I hope that I can help to explain, in such a way that does not lock us into a certain trade behavior. But the planned payouts will be in SWAP.HIVE. As soon as we have make some decision on how we want to play the decisions in front of us, I will be back with more information on how, when and how much dividends we can expect. The first of which may be a 'rebate' dividend (to protect my numbers 🤣)

Let me know all your thoughts down in the comments!

Freedom and Friendship


As newbee, dCity is a new aspect on Hive for me to move around in. Appreciate, that you include us and ask opinions. just now i am bit overwhelmed with this ;-).
I really appreciate that there are experienced players, like you, who give us the opportunity to participate, so that we can share in your experiences.
These seem to be new aspects, that blockchain brings, which I really like.

As I am new, I can't contribute much yet, but I am very excited about to see the continuation of these interaction.

Thanks you for your engagement.

Translated with (free version)
!LOLZ and !LUV

what about the armero thing
anyways id like my "price reduction" in reduced ecobank shares ;)

I'm good however you wish to proceed 👍

I bought a token share, I'm still too small for an investment. I think a combination of both would be perfect.

Thank you for the feedback!

What @dagger212 said. I don't really understand dcity. I kind of understood it back in 2nd edition, but I never had the time to learn about all the complexity added in 3rd edition. I bought into this because I trust your judgement here, so my vote is on you doing what you think is best.

That said, I really appreciate you being open with your thinking. Keep up the great work, my man.

I’m going to trust your judgement on this one!

I am fine with either way. I don't really know too much about how the strategy works but I do know that you are one of the people who knows about DCity the most.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One of the reasons I bought some of these is because I really don't understand all the different opportunities with DCity...but I know YOU do. :-) Whatever you think is the best way to proceed, you have my vote.

Plus, I don't feel like spending 200k SIM on Labs so I can get my own Experimental Lab so...even though 250 HIVE would have been more than enough to do that, this just seemed like a better way for me to participate. you are all of the top 4 holders?

I am not and while I do control @treasure.hoard, they are not just my funds in there. @ecoinstats is the INCOME synergy fund, managed separately for that reason.

So, I "am" 1,2,4,16 and 18 on the list, this totals 5267 tokens of 10,000.

I'm ok with either way to proceed.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 132 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

nice one bro, combo sounds good to us !PIZZA


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@stickupboys(1/20) tipped @ecoinstant (x1)

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need to look for the Henns and then i'll articulate my contribution ^^

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@leosoph, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @ecoinstant gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

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only 5, huh?? :P😎😁🤙

I like option 2 sir :)


Hey there I delegated hp and was wondering if I need to do anything else? Thanks.