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En ese grupo me encontré con algunos usuarios que me preguntaban como intentar ser mejor en cada batalla, es por esto que decidí agregar unos tips a mi guía que en mi opinión mejoraran su rendimiento en las batallas.
Cabe destacar que esto es totalmente mi opinión y no somos perfectos para ganar todas las batallas pero siguiendo estos pasos estarás mejor preparado al momento de crear tu formación para las batallas.
Sin mas preámbulo los dejo con mis consejos para ser mejor en batallas.
Hello splinterlands friends and the community in general. I have been making a small guide for beginner players of this game which has had an excellent acceptance, so much so that the Virtual World team have made it their official guide. It is an honor for me to be able to help the new players in their beginning.
You can join that group here Mundo virtual Discord
In that group I met some users who asked me how to try to be better in every battle, that's why I decided to add some tips to my guide that in my opinion will improve your performance in the battles.
It should be noted that this is totally my opinion and we are not perfect to win every battle but by following these steps you will be better prepared when creating your formation for battles.
Without further ado I leave you with my tips to be better in battles.

Parece un poco obvio pero empiezo con este consejo porque es de suma importancia, debes conocer que cartas tienes, que habilidades poseen, cual hace mejor papel de tanque, cual es su nivel de mana, entre otras cosas. Tienes muy poco tiempo para preparar la batalla así que ya debes saber toda esta información de antemano para saber cual es el mejor monstruo para cada batalla.
It seems a bit obvious but I start with this advice because it is of utmost importance, you must know what cards you have, what skills they have, which one plays the best role as a tank, what is their mana level, among other things. You have very little time to prepare the battle so you should know all this information beforehand to know which is the best monster for each battle.

De antemano pido disculpas xq en mi guía de reglas de batallas faltan algunas nuevas que no he agregado, lo note mientras realizaba esta publicación.
In my guide of this game you will find a section of the battle rules, it is essential that you know what each one of them establishes to prepare your battle and to be able to make it as good as possible.
In advance I apologize xq in my guide of battle rules are missing some new ones that I have not added, I noticed it while I was making this publication.

Recuerda también que tu oponente puede ver esa información tuya, así que no te centres en utilizar una sola formación porque ya sabrán como juegas.
At the moment you find your opponent you will see a box with important information about the battle, the battle rules, the maximum mana level allowed, the equipment allowed and the time.
But a very important piece of information is the equipment recently used by your opponent, this can give you an idea of what equipment he can use, the level of the monsters you will face, the formation he likes to use, among other important things that can give you all the details you need to be able to beat him.
Remember also that your opponent can see this information from you, so don't focus on using only one formation because they will already know how you play.

Once you know all this information and continue to choose your monsters and formation, you must remember that you have little time to do it, so it is important to use the filters offered by the game interface. Filtering by mana level, attack form, ability or card version can help you save a few seconds while looking for the monsters you will place and give you more time to plan your strategy.

This is a tip purely from my way of playing and has helped me win many battles, some players agree that scattered attacks are not as effective as combined attacks. Where I am going with this; if your attack will be directed at the tank, place all the monsters that attack the tank; or if you are attacking the last position, place as many monsters as you can that attack that position, just like with the snipe attack. This way your power will be focused on an opponent monster and it will be easier to eliminate it.

Lo que busco con estos consejos es que estés un poco mas preparado al momento de preparar una batalla y puedas hacer el mejor esfuerzo por ganarla.
Espero que estos consejos les sirvan de ayuda para poder mejorar su tasa de victoria y poder subir el nivel de sus copas.
Cualquier inconformidad o distinta opinión sobre mis consejos, no duden en dejarla en la caja de comentarios y con gusto lo conversaremos.
When preparing for a battle there is no exact formula or an invincible monster to win all battles, since each one of them is different from the others, because of the rules, the mana level, among others.
What I am looking for with these tips is that you are a little more prepared when preparing a battle and you can make the best effort to win it.
I hope these tips will help you to improve your victory rate and to raise the level of your cups.
Any disagreement or different opinion about my tips, do not hesitate to leave it in the comments box and we will gladly discuss it.


Puedes participar entrando AQUÍ
PARTE 1: Función de los Botones de la barra principal
PARTE 2: Cartas y sus características
PARTE 3: Batallas y Reglas
PARTE 4: Recompensas
PARTE 5: Habilidades II

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Muchas gracias, es un placer saber que mi contenido esta gustando tanto.
Me acabas de aclarar algo que ignoraba por completo, centrar mi ataque en un único objetivo.
Esta se sumará a la guía oficial de la comunidad Bro. Muchas garcias.
si claro bro, es lo mejor, así vas eliminando uno a uno desde esa posición.
gracias, espero mejorar un poco
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