Game Development | Passive Skill Tree

in Hive Gaming5 years ago

skilltrees for each class.jpg

There are a few things this system needed to check for and do to meet the conditions I wanted. It needed a certain amount of information displayed to the payer. Some of this information I only wanted showing when the player is hovering over the passive icon. Finally, quite a few different things needed to be checked when the player clicks to ensure the player should even be permitted to buy the passive.


Working on the skill tree.png

  • Clickable icon
  • Name
  • Current points
  • Current Level
  • Max Level

On Mouse Enter

Might Description.png

  • Display description of the passive

On Click

on click event.png

  • Check if they have enough points to even afford to get the passive
  • Check if the passive can even be increase by another level
  • Check to see if the player meets prerequisites
  • Spend the point
  • Run the individual passive skill
  • Update character stats
  • Update points spent
  • Update current level displayed

This was quite the laundry list of things I wanted and for the most part is a bit of a mess at the moment. Some of it works great. Other parts not so much. I suspect this will be something I’ll be doing some major rework on in the future one day once I understand further how to do it better if I’m not happy with a rework over the weekend.

Even more so since it’s a bit ineffective in how things are going. I have several higher memory cost actions going on such as casting, events, and dispatchers. Some things I might end up collapsing down into a function to clean things up.

I also need to go in and better label things with notes on what is doing what. As I’m more than sure I’ll forget and just having a small hint will be enough to get me up to par with things in the future when I dig through this system or need to interact with it.

Passive Skill Structure.png
Early on I even set up a structure to hold a number of the variables I would need to be accessing and using. While I am tempted to increase this out further to include more information or remove it and redo some stuff. For now, I’m going to keep it in for this version of the passive skill tree.

Sorcerer Passives.png

I also heavily used creating a parent skill point and making the 40 passives I have (10 for each class) children so when I do need to make changes to the system it should at least be easier to carry out. As changes made to the parent will effect on the children blueprints.

Each child actor blueprint might need some rework done depending on what changes I make. It should at least not be a total nightmare. Only time will tell.

Passive default settings.png

Some of what was done at the start I have found that I did not use it. While others I’ve added along the way. I do need to go individually through each passive and make sure I have the more general data all set up properly now.

setting armor stat.png

For the most part, a lot of the passives are quite simple in what they do. For developer purposes, I had print strings on everything as I was going through and verifying things were working.

The more advanced passives such as the ninth one for each class are going be handle more on the individual spells they have an impact on if any.

As far as the player acquiring the points needed they will earn them in two different ways. The first will be from leveling up. The second will be doing some main quests. In the end the player will have enough points to buy everything.

Down below are at least for now the current passives for each class. Things are more than likely to change once I’m further along and I go through a balancing phase when being tested with a lot of other things at a future time. Some might be boosted or reduced. While others could require an entire rewrite and a different passive. For now, they are good enough.

All the icons used are from the Humble Bundle Icon pack I bought a while ago. Having 7k icons at my disposal is quite crazy and works great for times like these. Still the best $20 I’ve spent so far for the things I’ve spent money on.

Paladin Passive Skill Tree

Paladin Passive Skill Tree.png

MightStrengthEach level of Might increases strength by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
FitnessHealthEach level of Fitness increases health by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
MightStrengthEach level of Might increases strength by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
FitnessHealthEach level of Fitness increases health by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
Combat TrainingDamageEach level of Combat Training increases damage by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
BulwarkArmorEach level of Bulwark increases armor by 10. Cost is 2 points per level.
Shattered ShieldReduced ArmorEach level of Shattered Shield increase the amount of armor you are able to bypass on an enemy. Cost is 2 points per level.
Runic BladeDamageEach level of Runic Blade increases damage by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
Runic ArmorArmorEach level of Runic Armor increases armor by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
PurifyDamageEach level of Purify increases damage by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
Holy LightDamages Enemies that AttackEach level of Holy Light increases the amount enemies are burned for each hit. Cost is 2 points per level.
Crusader's Rallyincreased armor and healthCrusader's Rally increases armor and health by 250. Cost is 5 points.

Sorcerer Passive Skill Tree

Sorcerer Passive Skill Tree.png

KnowledgeIntelligenceEach level of Knowledge increases intelligence by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
HealthHealthEach level of Health increases health by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
CombustionDamageEach level of Combustion increases damage by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
Spell WeavedArmorEach level of Spell Weaved increases armor by 10. Cost is 2 points per level.
IntensificationCritical HitEach level of Intensification increases critical hit by 10. Cost is 2 points per level.
FallacydamageEach level of Fallacy increases damage by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
Void WalkerMovement SpeedEach level of Void Walker increases movement speed by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
Inferno RageCritical HitEach level of Inferno Rage increases critical hit by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
Metroid StrikeChance to triple strikeEach level of Metroid Strike increases the chances of doing triple the damage. Cost is 2 points per level.
EruptionDamageEruption increases damage by 250. Cost is 5 points.

Assassin Passive Skill Tree

Assassin Passive Skill Tree.png

QuicknessAgilityEach level of Quickness increases agility by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
SuitabilityHealthEach level of Suitability increases health by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
Sharpened DaggerDamageEach level of Sharpened Dagger increases health by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
Scathing HitCritical HitEach level of Scathing Hit increases critical hit by 10. Cost is 2 points per level.
WeaknessReduced HealthEach level of Weakness increases your chances of bypassing an enemy’s armor. Cost is 2 points per level.
WayfarerMovement SpeedEach level of Wayfarer increases movement speed by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
PinpointDamageEach level of Pinpoint increases damage by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
Convulsive StrikeCritical HitEach level of Convulsive Strike increases critical hit by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
Lethal BlowChance to kill a severely injured enemyEach level of Lethal Blow increases the chances of killing a severely injured enemy. Cost is 2 points per level.
BackstabDamageBackstab increases damage by 250. Cost is 5 points.

Necromancer Passive Skill Tree

Necromancer Passive Skill Tree.png

AcumenIntelligenceEach level of Acumen increases intelligence by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
SalutaryHealthEach level of Salutary increases health by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
Increased ToxicityDamageEach level of Increased Toxicity increases damage by 10. Cost is 1 point per level.
Bone ArmorArmorEach level of Bone Armor increases armor by 10. Cost is 2 points per level.
Bone ChipsMinion Armor and healthEach level of Bone Chips increases minion armor and health by 10. Cost is 2 points per level.
Dark MagicDamageEach level of Dark Magic increases damage by 10. Cost is 2 points per level.
Sharpened TeethMinion DamageEach level of Sharpened Teeth increases minion damage by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
Calcified MinionMinion ArmorEach level of Calcified Minion increases minion armor by 50. Cost is 2 points per level.
From The GraveIncreased minion limitEach level of From The Grave increases minion limit by 1. Cost is 2 points per level.
Parasitic Natureminion armor, health, and damageParasitic Nature increases minion armor, health, and damage by 250. Cost is 5 points.

Final Thoughts

In my roadmap I now consider this part to be meeting what I was looking for as getting in a base system to build further from. This is by no means near polished and ready to go.

The UI for the passive tree is quite ugly. It is at least on par with a lot of my other UI’s and the color scheme I’ve been using. Something to work on improving for another day.

Over the weekend I am going to try taking another attempt at this and creating in a different passive skill system. I suspect I’m going be reworking this at some point and I have the time now to make another attempt at it.

Other Posts:


Unreal Engine 4.Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from


Is there a post where you maybe shared more about the idea about the game, whats the story, whats the plan, what genre it is etc.?

Is there a post where you maybe shared more about the idea about the game

These posts are simply me sharing my experience in trying to make a game that I have been working on since January 2020.

whats the plan

The game itself is a RPG/Dungeon crawler that will be released on the PC.

The roadmap for the game can be found here (link is off site to my Trello roadmap.)

whats the story

Questing is being worked on next month which includes the main storyline for the first 15 maps.

I enjoy reading your game development posts! I pick up one or two things. Thanks for sharing these with us.

Thanks. I’m just sharing my experience while I work on this. Have a great weekend.

This looks really cool mate. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, have a great week!