Occupy Mars | The Rebuild

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

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Like many games, there was a lot of going out and gathering resources. Expanding my base and ignoring that it was just getting too big of a footprint to work the way I needed it to. It was however time to resolve some long-term issues.


I was having quite a lot of fun using the drill extension on my large earth mover. It took me a little while to get used to fully staying inside the truck and using the grabber and drill.

For a while, I just found it quicker to use the drill. Then exit and toss things in manually. You could stay it takes setting up the direction you are facing and distance from what you are drilling correctly. Once I got that dialed in, I was having quite a blast filling the truck up.

After a short while, I had depleted everything in my local area. Thankfully there was a massive area to mine out of not that far away. It however required going up and down quite a large slope.

On one of my trips back after filling the truck with rocks I ended up getting somehow stuck. I could not move more than 1 MPH and everything was bugging out. I ended up jumping in and out a few times.

At one point I went to the extreme and just started manually offloading the rocks I was hauling. Despite the gauge showing I was right at the max carrying capacity, it did the trick. I was able to get the truck out of whatever was causing it to slow down. I powered over a mountain and down to my base to offload.

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I was also starting to get to the point of the tech tree that I was finishing off everything that was currently out in the game. This would also mean as I was slowly finishing off each tree that I no longer needed the individual station for that tech tree.

There came a point where I could remove a few of the stations and save some power and space by cleaning up my base a bit. I felt I had been putting off just destroying the entire main structure and rebuilding it.

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I had high hopes this would end up being my last rebuild. As you can see this thing has gotten quite long. There was a lot of wasted space and time walking from the entryway to the back where my bed was.

I also wanted to have a place to park my trucks every night. That building was however massive and with the way everything was placed at the time it just would not connect. So, I broke out the grinder and started to get to work.

As if I needed more building materials at this point. I had spent quite a lot of time gathering iron silicon and everything else I could get my hands on. I would soon have so many supplies I would not know what to do with it all.

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The new layout was so much more useful for my needs. At the center was a building with a bunch of pressured doors that I could connect further structure to if needed. It was also two stories with my bed and some tech tree stations at the top of it. It had my hanger for my trucks and a greenhouse attached to it.

Once that was done, I ended up doing a massive rebuild of my solar panel farm as well. I had so many worthless cables that were no longer needed. I made an even bigger battery bank for sorting days' worth of power.


Inside the truck hanger, I could store all my toys. There was even a plugin to power them from. It’s a shame I could not charge things like O2 and water from inside the hanger bay at the time. It seems this feature still has some things that need to be added to the game.

This also helps protect everything I've either built or gathered from any unforeseen events. The door is even quite a thrill to pull the lever on and wait for the room to remove the air and open the airlock to the outside to drive things out from.


I also started to ramp up my growing production. The greenhouse has some dedicated spots for growing seeds into small plants. Then it has some massive racks to finish growing any plants. Along with having some spots to grow trees.

So far I would say this is one part of the game I've been not putting as much focus into. It’s also not unexpected that my botany tech tree was quite lagging behind everything else.

Final Thoughts

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I’ve now started to move towards the end game progression of this game. I might hold out for a while and see what kind of development gets added in over the next couple of months. While I still have a few things to do. I’m also getting to the point where I need to create a rocket and escape the planet. I’m not quite sure yet if I'm ready to end this play though.


Occupy Mars: The Game.Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about

Disclosure: A review copy of the game was received for free.

Disclosure: This game was in early access when I played it.


Interesting game, my son is really a master at it, he tells me that the fun is very good. successes

It's a ton of fun for those who enjoy this kind of game.

This is what I observe. Continue to enjoy them. Best wishes.