Old School RuneScape | Morytania Region

in Hive Gamingyesterday

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While I've been doing a lot of running around the map. Sometimes it’s just nice to sit in a single region and finish off a few quests. While I have not always been a huge fan of the Morytania region it was starting to grow on me. Even more so after doing a few quests in the area.

Morytania itself is quite a massive section of the map. I have in the past already done a couple of quests here such as Priest in Peril and Nature Sprit. That are also some rather high-level quests here that require me to run quite a few quests in the area as well. It looks like I'll be making a few trips to this region sooner or later at some point.

Quest: Creature Of Fenkenstrain

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Who was I to turn down the opportunity of a lifetime? I was allowed to become an assistant to quite a crazed individual. He lived in a massive castle and I did more learning than I was expecting along the way. It all started with finding a sign in the forest and going on a rather short adventure.

As an assistant, I was tasked with some rather odd tasks. Such as picking up a pickled brain from a bar. Looking through the estate's book collection for research on maggots. Along with finding lost items that were stowed away in hidden compartments long forgotten by the owner. It was all in an honest day's worth of work.

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What I was not expecting was having to go out into a spooky swamp and uncover a hidden cave in the graveyard. It seems this place would hold many secrets and I'm not sure I ever found them all.

I however found it thrilling to get out of the drafty castle and into a cave system where I felt more like home. Even if that cave was below a swamp. It sure did smell like it. While down there I was looking for a creature that had eaten a key I needed.

I was then out grave robbing like any good assistant to find myself an arm to bring back to the crazy one. It did not take long before I realized I was gathering parts to make an entire body.

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Between the brain, I had already picked up, a head, torso, arms, and even legs. I ended up helping in the creation of a monster. A monster I can only hope will not roam the nearby village and eat the village people.

That however would not be my problem if it did happen. I collected my reward for all the graverobbing and murdering I had done. Then I decided to resign. Being an assistant just was not for me.

Quest: Ghosts Ahoy

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It was time to head back to Port Phasmatys and help the villagers out. Like the last time I was here, I would not be permitted into the city without Ecto-tokens which I ended up making a large batch of next door. I am getting a little tired of having to pay an entry fee every time I want to get into this city. I’m hoping helping the villagers out will lead to them dropping my entry fee one day.

I ended up speaking with one of the ghosts and finding out something a bit disturbing. It also explains why there are so many ghosts in the area. As they are not permitted without permission to pass on to the next life. They must live under the rule of Necrovarus who has the final say in who is permitted to move on and who is not.

My first attempt was a failure in getting Necrovarus to agree to allow any of the ghosts the right to do so without having to ask his permission. I did discover he was not happy with me knowing about someone named Old Crone. So, I went to her to see if I could get some information regarding some former history the two of them had.

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She naturally claimed to not have a great memory of the past. That it could only be solved if I would brew nettle tea. I ended up having to go harvest the nettle for the tea myself just to make the tea. Thankfully that location was near Edgeville. So, I was able to save a lot of time using Fairy Rings to get to that location and back again.

After quite a long conversation it turns out the very ghost amulet that I use to speak with the ghosts can be enchanted to hold power over any ghost. With that power, I can force Necrovarus to agree to allow any ghost that wants to pass over to the next life to do so.

As a favor for the help, I'll be needing to enchant the amulet and for the knowledge she was able to recall. I ended up agreeing to help her out with her son. She hands me a ship that he had made that she wants me to give to him. As it turns out he ran away from home to join a crew.

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The ship itself had a giant lobster I got to fight on board while trying to help myself to some of the chests on board. I did make sure to give the boat to her child. After having to dye different parts of the ship to match the one he was on.

After what felt like busy work. I moved on to the bigger task at hand. Getting the materials I needed to enchant the amulet. This required finding a map and then going to an island and digging up a forgotten book called Haricanto that would go into the kind of detail we needed to enchant the amulet.


To make what I was about to do look legit and to do it the right way. I ended up going around town asking the ghosts to sign a petition to allow ghosts to pass on to the next life if they wanted. Some of the village people agreed without wanting anything, some I had to trick, and others I simply needed to pay off with Ecto-tokens.

I even ended up taking it to Necrovarus who refused to accept the petition leaving me with no choice. This I felt left me no choice but to break into his coffin and steal a powerful set of robs he had kept there for safekeeping. They were the last item needed to use in the process to enchant the amulet to give me power over him.

I ended up returning to the Old Crone who performed the remaining steps with the items I had collected. I then one final time returned to Necrovarus and used my new enchanted amulet to get him to agree to allow ghosts to pass on.

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Once all was done, I gave the original ghost who asked me for help with the good news. That they now could pass on without needing permission to do so. Many other ghosts of the village were rather thrilled by this news as well. They ended up waving the entry fee to get into the town. Which more than made my troubles worthwhile as I'm not a fan of having to farm tokens any time I want to come here.

Quest: Shades Of Morton

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This one ended up angering me a bit. It was my fault I ended up not moving quickly enough by using a potion that allowed me to speak with NPCs in the area that are under an affliction. As a result, I had to run back to the grand exchange to buy more ingredients and go through the process of remaking the potion.

Early on I ended up needing to go around killing Loar shades for their remains. Different creatures in this area all drop remains. Many of them can be sold for a decent amount of gold as well. Making it rather tempting to want to camp in this area and fill up my inventory with remains to sell on the Grand Exchange.

I needed to make a special serum that would allow me to treat the inhabitants of this town to be able to function again and make sense in speaking and the actions they were performing. The only issue is the earlier version of the potion I could start off making only lasted a short amount of time. The cure I could make was not forever.

This quest was however an interesting one. I even ended up changing which world I was playing on to do it. As a part of it required you to play a mini-game that requires you to repair a temple. That same mini-game is also quite hard to do alone so I ended up joining a world where everyone gathers to perform it. It is also rather nice once you are done with the quest you now have access to farm the mini-game afterward.

Before I could start working on that min-game I'd need to get access to one of the NPCs in the area that would sell me things I needed. This was also where I messed up. I ended up talking way too long to realize which NPC I needed to get supplies from.

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As far as the min-game itself I mostly just stayed in the same spot repairing the walls from the waves of incoming attacks. Over time this would cause my sanity levels to rise. I needed it at 20% during a single run so I created sacred oil and turned it into a longer-lasting serum than I already had.

What I did not realize at the time was I should have made a couple of the serums. I needed ones that were full doses instead of ones that had been used already to temporally cure some of the NPCS I needed to talk with. That would have allowed me to fully cure some of the NPCs without having to go through the entire process of creating the serum every time just to talk with any of the NPCS in this town. The downside was each one of them would need a full potion so I ended up just focusing on the supply's vender for the mini-game.

It was an interesting little quest to run. I also love the fact I unlocked another mini-game. At some point, I need to ground and grind out a few of the mini-games I've now unlocked. For the time being, however, I had other quests I wanted to get out of the way.

Final Thoughts

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While I have so much more to do in this region of the game. I do feel I at least got a decent start at it. I also had quite a lot of fun between creating a monster and helping ghosts to move on to the next life. While most of the quest rewards were not amazing, they are all starting to add up nicely.


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Old School RuneScape.


who would have imagined that accepting to be an assistant would lead you to loot tombs to find the parts and create Fenkenstrain. too bad you quit, imagine what you would have gotten if you had continued.