[ESP//ENG] Hello neighbor, my adventure solving the mystery, part 2.

in Hive Gaming2 months ago
Authored by @suspense

Source / Fuente


Spanish version


The last time I had left the game was where I had obtained the magnet, which helped me to attract things, so I thought it was a key object for something specific and after doing some research, I knew that in a small window that was very high I would have the key.

Spanish version

La última vez en donde había dejado el juego fue donde había obtenido el imán, el cual me ayudaba a atraer cosas, por lo que creí que era un objeto clave para algo en específico y tras haber investigado un poco, supe que en una pequeña ventana que estaba muy alta tendría la clave.

The first thing one thinks of is how to get upstairs and it occurred to me that I could use the chairs as ladders and I set out to find the chairs inside the house without getting caught, which proved somewhat difficult, my attempts to escape from him were thwarted.

Spanish version

Lo primero que uno piensa es en la manera de poder subir y se me ocurrió que podría usar las sillas como escaleras y me propuse a buscar las sillas dentro de la casa sin que me atrapen, lo que resultó algo difícil, mis intentos de escapar de él fueron frustrados.

So I tried again and picked up the chairs. Climbing through the window, I used the magnet and could observe few things like glue bottles, a shovel, a crowbar, something that has a very strange shape and a wrench: I could only take out 2 things.

Spanish version

Así que volví a intentarlo y recogí las sillas. Al subirme por la ventana, usé el imán y pude observar pocas cosas como frascos de pegamento, una pala, una palanca, algo que tiene una forma muy extraña y una llave de tuercas: solo pude sacar 2 cosas.

I had already advanced in the game and I decided to save the game so as not to lose my progress.

Spanish version

Las cuales fueron la palanca y algo que al mi parecer parecía ser un cincel ya había avanzado en el juego y me propuse a guardar la partida para no perder el progreso.

Just after saving the progress I was transported to another side I did not know what was going on and that left me very confused in a very long hallway, dark and televisions hung from the ceiling in one on the way showed scenes of the neighbor going out to his car and in another a terrible accident in the car leaving me with more questions than answers making me wonder what else the game wants to hide me?

Spanish version

Justo después de guardar el progreso fui trasportado a otro lado no sabía que estaba pasando y eso me dejo muy confundido en un pasillo muy largo, oscuro y televisores colgaban del techo en uno en el camino mostraban escenas del vecino saliendo a su auto y en otro un terrible accidente en el coche dejándome con más preguntas que respuestas haciéndome la pregunta ¿Qué más me quiere ocultar el juego?

After passing through the exit, the game restarted from scratch, which felt strange to me, but well, I knew what to do and did it all over again until I got to where I was.

Spanish version

Después de pasar a través de la salida, el juego volvió a iniciar desde cero, lo que se me hizo extraño, pero bueno, ya me sabía qué hacer y lo volví a hacer todo hasta llegar a donde estaba.

Giving me to understand that the wrench that is there will be of great help to me to open the grille that blocks the stairs to the roof.

Spanish version

Dándome a entender que la llave de tuercas que se encuentra ahí y me va a ser de mucha ayuda para abrir la reja que bloquea las escaleras al techo.

After researching what those 2 tools will be useful for, I was caught again, transported to another place again.

Spanish version

Después de investigar para qué me servirán esas 2 herramientas, me volvieron a atrapar, me transportaron a otro lugar de nuevo.

I was taken to another place and again I have no idea what is going on at best it is the game's way of telling a story, but in this case I have no choice but to move behind the door I was as small as a mouse and the neighbor is as if he is looking for something then he leaves and reappears giant just to catch us.

Spanish version

Fui llevado a otro lugar y de Nuevo no tengo idea de lo que está pasando a lo major es la manera del juego de contar una historia, pero en este caso no tengo más opciones que avanzar detrás de la puerta yo era tan pequeño como un ratón y el vecino está como si estuviera buscando algo después él se va y vuelve a aparecer gigante solo para atraparnos.

Back to exploring a little bit, the neighborhood I noticed there are several missing persons posters and maybe 2 children, in fact.

Spanish version

Volvemos al explorar un poquito, el vecindario me dio cuenta de que hay varios carteles de personas desaparecidas y tal vez niños 2, de hecho.

Well, continuing where I was I already have everything I had gotten from the high window and I had the feeling that what looks a lot like a chisel could help me to open the door that has the gray padlock and if in fact it worked very well and I finally got the wrench and a shovel I still do not know what it is for, but that's what I'm doing.

Spanish version

Bueno continuando por donde estaba ya tengo todo lo que había conseguido desde la ventana alta y tuve el presentimiento que aquello que se parece mucho a un cincel podría ayudarme para abrir la puerta que tiene el candado gris y si de hecho funciono muy bien y ya por fin conseguí la llave de tuerca y una pala sigo sin saber para qué me sirva, pero en eso estoy.

Now ready and prepared to move on to the next phase of the plan, I went to unlock the stairs to the roof and finally get the key to open the red padlock where the victims could be found.

Spanish version

Ya listo y preparado para pasar a la siguiente fase de plan, me fui a desbloquear las escaleras del techo y, por fin, conseguir la llave que abra el candado rojo donde se podrían encontrar las víctimas.

Finally I have the red key, it was about time and with this I will take it to open the long awaited door that I have wanted to open for a long time. It's been a long time, for this, with this my publication ends.

Spanish version

Por fin tengo la llave roja, ya era hora y con esto la llevaré a abrir la tan esperada puerta que he querido abrir desde hace rato. Ya pasó mucho tiempo, para esto, con esto se finaliza mi publicación.

Screenshots were provided by from my phone, the apps I used to create my post were as follows:

Spanish version

Las capturas de pantallas fueron proporcionadas por desde mi teléfono, las aplicaciones que usé para crear mi publicación fueron las siguientes:



Filmora X

 2 months ago  

I hope these missing children and are not tortured in this guys basement. xD

I think I now know why my ex girlfriend's little nephew feared a man he told was only named "Hello Neighbor"
So, naturally, that's who I told him I was when we would run around outdoors. And I could never fully tell if he was having a blast or was legitimately scared while I was chasing him.

So far I also want to know: the game does not seem to be as short as I thought it would be, nor as simple as I thought it would be.

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What a strange game..
I know of it, but next to nothing about its gameplay. This opens my eyes a little bit but just leads to even more questions!

Well, its gameplay is very easy, but getting used to it is more complicated because it is a mobile game. Even so, the answers will soon be unraveled.