30th question's answer is not 100% correct.
How many tags can I use?
- 1
- 5
- 8
- 10
There is no limit on number of tags on blockchain level (except post size limit) , e.g. https://hive.blog/witness-category/@fbslo/witness-update-april-2018-3, limits are only on frontends.
Thank you very much for your comment and your question.
However, I'll modify this question to be more correct.
Did you like the Quiz?Hi @fbslo 😃 The answer was taken from here: https://hive.blog/faq.html#How_many_tags_can_I_use
It was great! Some tricky questions...
The project is just beginning. In the future we will put the option of choosing a beginner, intermediate or advanced. 😀