Introduction to Hive || Ghost Recon Wildlands: Ultimate Edition - Review

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!

Before starting the review let me tell you that this is my first post here. I joined Hive a few days ago. But the writing the review took a while. I hope you will enjoy the review.


So, In the first post, I am reviewing Ghost Recon Wildlands Ultimate Edition which includes the Fallen Ghosts and Narco Road DLC. Ghost Recon Wildlands is a military tactical shooter developed by Ubisoft Paris.

You play as a ghost in a squad of four as you attempt to destabilize the drug cartel that has taken over Bolivia. The game has a variety of game modes you have campaign mode which is huge and where you explore the main story guerrilla mode is like a horde mode you are in a small area where enemies turn up in waves you've got to kill them in order to progress and get better weapons etc. Ghost mode is the same as campaign mode but with very hard and realistic settings and it's permadeath so when you die you die ghosts war is an online PvP experience teams of players taking on each other in various modes its classic online multiplayer chaos and really good fun and finally there is mercenaries mode which throws you into a map with no weapons or gear basically you need to find the weapons, find the gear locate a radio transmitter then eventually it will tell you where the extraction zone is you then have to get there before the other players to win the match. So, lots of different modes there but the heart of the game comes in the campaign you start by creating your own character it's not very comprehensive and you basically have to choose a set face then your hair clothing and scars tattoos, etc. Once this is done you head into Bolivia with your squad of four and start the long road to taking down El sueño who is the cartels leader the game is set in Bolivia and the map is absolutely enormous the way it's being created is excellent and the landscapes and the different regions really feel natural in terms of the way they've put them together and it genuinely feels like a living breathing place.
If you have ever been to Bolivia Ecuador Peru you'll definitely appreciate this aesthetically because it's really got a nice balance of the kind of small towns, the architecture, the kind of grittiness of it the mountains.

The core gameplay is fantastic and the gunplay, in particular, is really high-level enjoyment. All the weapons feel smooth and responsive and you have a huge variety of guns in this game honestly if you like guns you will be in heaven here because you can customize all your weapons down to each individual parts such as scopes, magazines barrel attachments, you can even paint the gun to suit your outfit or you can paint each individual part to make it look ridiculous whatever you want whether you want realism or silliness. You can go either way you can find new weapons and skill points in the map via medals cases and other Intel sources there's honestly so much out there to find it is just like crazy amounts of content. You're always looking for the next eye and the next weapon medal etc the AI teammates aren't perfect but they're pretty useful mainly due to the sync shot function you can use your drone or binoculars to mark enemies on the map then you can tell up to three of your squad members to shoot when you shoot so in theory after you've leveled up a lot you can take down four enemies simultaneously which is really cool. when you play on the harder difficulties the squadmates are essential because the game gets really tricky and they can heal you and vice versa so they give you another second chance. The drone is also really useful as at all and later on you can add attachments to it like even explosives at some point so you can turn it into a kind of a weapon. It helps you get the lay of the land and it helps you plan your next move and see what's coming when you're going into hostile territory so to destabilize the cartel you have to find intel on the low-level bosses then you work your way through those through the hierarchy and eventually you get to take down the head of security, influence, smuggling, and production and once you've done enough of that you then get a shot to take down the big cheese El sueño.

The game has a variety of vehicles, the cars and bikes handle okay but they could have been sharper and tighter in terms of how they handle. The helicopters and boats of perfect the planes are a real challenge to fly and if you're playing on ghost mode with permadeath i'd advise you to just avoid the planes altogether because the likelihood your crash and die is very high. The enemies are split into the cartel gunmen and you need ad unidad are kind of like a Bolivian group connected to the government are corrupt and they're basically not your friends you've got deal with snipers heavy gunners like vehicles with guns and at the higher levels the enemies are absolutely ruthless and deadly it's more of a realistic game because if you shoot someone in the head they're done there aren't really any bullet sponges on either side one good shot ends a fire and that makes each skirmish pretty tense and enjoyable especially once you go into extreme mode there is also a tier system which comes into play once you max out your characters level basically at that point you start at tier 30 the aim is to get to tier 1 every level you go down the game gets harder the enemies don't appear on the radar various things change to make it more difficult so it's like an organic difficulty slider that makes the game worth playing once you've completed it because it's continually getting harder and harder and you'll keep keep on getting rewards speaking of rewards the game has a lot of bonus content you have special missions throughout the map where you fight the actual predator with the proper music from the film and sound effects and it's really cool you also have a splinter cell mission featuring Sam Fisher and others from the future soldier franchise and Rainbow six siege there is also a mission that ties into the follow-up game Ghost Recon break point and this addition also includes two very large DLCs the first one is called Fallen Ghosts and that takes place after the main campaign basically a guerrilla group of Special Forces fighters have taken control of a region in Bolivia and you and your squad had to go in behind enemy lines and take back the region the enemies use special weapons, high-tech camouflage and aggressive tactics it's very tough and it's incredibly rewarding it's one of the best DLCs I've played there are so many missions in there that really stick in the memory in particular one in like a sniper valley which is just really intense and awesome you know I'd strongly recommend fallen ghosts but only after you've played the main campaign

The other one is called "Narco Road" that sees you infiltrate the cartel via the exotic cars side of the business it's a little bit over the top and features a lot of driving doing crazy jumps in bright painted cars it's a little bit like Fast and the Furious Meets Ghost Recon. The combat is still good and it's hard because you're going solo this time and honestly I quite quite enjoyed it it's silly it's not really in keeping with the Ghost Recon Franchise but it's a bit of like hide relief I guess it's definitely not as good as the main campaign or fallen ghosts but it's still another good addition and the cars are cool and the radio stations actually have some decent music for a change graphically the game is solid in terms of the characters and their animations the environments look excellent and the diverse geographical locations look very good the day/night cycle works well and in general it is very well lit very colorful vibrant and very atmospheric and also gritty in parts of the country the game also has a photo mode you can zoom out quite far you have a few filters you can use you can alter the focal depth you can even change the time of day which really helps it really makes a difference as you can alter the lighting very quickly it's not the best photo mode out there but it's a good one and I've managed to capture some really nice stuff with it I think narco Road is probably the best part of the game for photos because it's very colourful and vibrant and you've got all these really crazy cars and special effects so for photos it kind of adds lots of elements but you in any of the game you can take good shots you just have to kind of have the kind of sense of okay now's the shot because sometimes you do get lost in the combat but it's a good addition.

The music in the game is excellent it has a Latin American feel to it and it's dynamic in when it comes in at certain times of day or during certain events the voice acting is okay it's a little bit cheesy and camp at times some of the squad chatter can be a little bit off-color like some of the things they come out with or a bit crass and in pretty bad taste but it's only occasionally the radio stations in the cars aren't great the music is really forgettable when the DJs in particular just it's just a bit of a pointless it's nothing like the level of a GTA it's really low level poor quality but overall the audios good gun sounds are gray you know they're freaking awesome like when you are loading a gun without a silencer you really just feel it and the ambient sound effects the environmental effects and how it sounds depending on where you're shooting really good okay so what's good and what's bad about Ghost Recon wildlands what's good it's a great squad based a tactical shooter the guns feel awesome and really satisfying the game world is huge and the amount of content you get here is ridiculous the DLCs are both worth playing the character customization in terms of clothing and weapons is good the cartel is huge and taking it down takes a long time but it's a really satisfying thing to achieve when you finally do it the PvP online stuff is good and worth your time if you're into that kind of stuff overall the game is just excellent value for money what's bad some of the voiceovers are a little bit cheesy and crass the AI teammates are useful up to a point but they could have been a little bit more tactically away a little bit more intelligent okay so what is the verdict Ghost Recon wildlands is a fantastic military tactical shooter it has so much content so much to do huge amounts of customization lots of memorable missions and excellent free content and also terrific DLC it's realistic it's challenging and it's great fun whether you're playing solo or online with your own squad I love this game and I've put over 200 hours into it over the course of a year I've never been bored I never got tired of it it's always got something to do and every time you take on enemies it feels a little bit different whether you go in loud or you go in quiet either way it's really just a very satisfying and enjoyable experience so with all that being said my score for Ghost Recon wildlands is 9 out of 10 as a whole package including the season pass content the bonus missions all of that stuff it's an absolutely fantastic game and it's incredibly good value for money I'd recommend it for anyone who likes shooters tactical games military games online co-op or PvP. it's really worth your time and I have had so much fun this game

Points 9.0/10


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