In this game our main mission is to unite humanity and aliens of the galaxy in order to stop the reapers( godlike machines that come every 50000 years and wipe out all intelligent civilizations.)
In the last part we destroyed a Mass Relay (and in the process killed hundreds of thousands batarians). This delayed Reaper invasion and bought us some time to prepare.
In this part we were summoned by our body guard James Vega to meet the defense Committee. Along the way we met with captain Anderson and our former crewmate Ashley. After that we went to see the Committee. They were shitting their pants because humanity is under attack by something insanely powerful. We could only tell the Committee what they already knew-Reapers are coming. We been telling this for years but politicians never believed us. Now when Reapers are literally here those idiots wants us to save their sorry ass. They thought that we will have some genius solution but our advice was just that we must fight and sacrifice whatever it takes to defeat Reapers. During the meeting with the Committee we received a report that Reapers are already at the moon. Everyone was shocked and scared but before those politicians knew what was happening Reapers were already at Earth. They blew the Committee up. We and captain Anderson managed to escape and were rushing to our ship Normandy. A long the way we defeated many husks and other Reaper creatures. In the tunnel we saw a small child hiding. We wanted to save him but he disappeared. Once we reached the Normandy captain Anderson ordered us to travel to the Citadel and get help from the Council. Anderson decided to stay behind and lead resistance against Reapers.
James could not believe that we are leaving Earth. But we told him to behave and follow orders. We were heading towards Citadel but then we got call from Admiral Hackett. He told us to first investigate the Archives on Mars. Apparently our former crewmate asari Liara found something there that could help us stop the Reapers. When we arrived to Mars we found out that Archives are under attack of Cerberus(a group that is pro-human and believes that humanity should reign supreme in the galaxy). It seemed that Cerberus had agents inside the Archives. And so Ashley wanted to know if we really cut all ties with Cerberus. We met with Liara and she told us about what she found on Mars. A prothean(ancient alien race that was destroyed by the Reapers in the past) blueprint for weapon capable of wiping out Reapers. We also found out who was Cerberus agent on Mars- a Dr. Eva. She helped Cerberus get inside. And Cerberus seem to intend fight fire with fire- their troops have been turned to creatures similar to reapers husks. We went to Archives to get the blueprint. Once we reached the console we saw a hologram of Illusive Man(leader of Cerberus). He told us that he wants to control Reapers instead of destroying them. He also warned us to not get in his way. After our conversation we found out that Dr. Eva was hiding nearby and deleting the local copy of blueprint. We chased her away. She tried to escape with a shuttle but James rammed it with his own shuttle. Dr. Eva crashed to the ground. We only needed to collect the intel. When Dr. Eva kicked the door and jumped outside. It turns out that she was a robot. She attacked and injured Ashley very badly. We shot and stopped Dr. Eva. After that we took her and Ashley and traveled to the Citadel.
On the Citadel we went to visit Ashley in the hospital. After that we went to ask Council for aid defending Earth. Those damn politicians proved to be as stupid and useless as ever. They wanted to sacrifice Earth and focus on protecting their own planets. Good thing that turian Councilor at least gave us an advice how to get help. He said that we first have extract the Primarch Fedorian for a war summit.
I can imagine the pure adrenaline rush of taking on the Reapers and coordinating humans and aliens to save the universe. The politicians in that game look just like the ones in real life.
I liked the way you narrated the details of each mission, from the escape with Captain Anderson to the search on Mars.
Thank you very much.
Lol politicians are lame in videos games same as in reality
That reapers seems strong
thank you.
@fieryfootprints, I paid out 0.054 HIVE and 0.020 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.