In this game our main mission is to unite humanity and aliens of the galaxy in order to stop the reapers( godlike machines that come every 50000 years and wipe out all intelligent civilizations.)
In the last part we saved former Cerberus(pro human terorist group) scientists from Cerberus attack. We also met with our worst companion Jacob. After that we traveled to asari monastery. There we fought with new enemies0asari mutated to Reaper creatures. We helped another our former companion Samara defend the monastery save her daughter Falere.
In this part we went to the Citadel to meet with our companions. First we met with our bro Garrus. We flew with a car to the top of Presidium. There Garrus wanted to find out who among us the best shooter and challenged us to to a shoot practice targets. We had an opportunity to let him win but decided to hit the target. We also said that we appreciate that we have a good friend like him.
After that we spoke with Liara. She told us more about her childhood. She also tried to flirt with us but we shoot it down because we already chose Jack as our romance.
Then we spoke with Jacob again. It turns out that his girlfriend and him will have a baby. Good for him I guess but I don't like the idea of more people having Jacob's genes.
After that we met Javik. He was glad that he got a chance to visit the Citadel. Javik also made a speech to some aliens. At first he intended to say that there is no hope left. But we told him that this is not gonna work as motivation so he told that them being still alive is already a victory.
Then we spoke with Samara. She joked(?) that if we will become evil she will have to hunt us down and gave us some advice about fighting the Reapers.
After that we went to a Spectre office and had a chat with another our former companion- Miranda. She told us that her father is probably working for Illusive Man(leader of Cerberus). Also Miranda's father is looking for Miranda's sister.
Then we met with Ashley. she was comforting her sister who lost her husband in the war with Reapers.
James Vega decided to celebrate his recruitment to N7 program by getting a new tattoo.
Finally we shared a drink with our ship's doctor. She said that she will never call us by our first name. According to her that would show disrespect towards all we have accomplished. All in all in this part we just spoke with our former and current crewmates. I decided to still post this because not all parts has to have a lot of action/big advancements in the story for the game to be good. Sometimes a short break with friends is also important. Anyway next time we will probably continue the main story so next part should be more eventful.
It's still good to have less action moments, like in reality, some relax
Yes I agree.
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