Mighty Part Global Gaming Event: THE LAST REDEMPTION

in Hive Gaming4 years ago


THE LAST REDEMPTION is the new event that corresponds to this week of the Mighty Party game. It started today June 4th of this year until Tuesday June 8th; that is to say, it lasts 5 days like all the previous events. This is an event where we find mixed heroes, represented by each of the 3 types of cards, which are order, nature and chaos, where we have two archer or ranged attack hero and one melee attack hero or what is known as tank. All the cards of this event had already been given as rewards in past events, only this time they have been recalibrated or improved some of their skills to make them more useful in the game. It is important to remember that the game these days is celebrating its anniversary so it made a series of important changes in the game and in the PVP rewards which makes the game and the events more interesting, however not everything is good, but I will talk about this topic in another opportunity since this publication is dedicated to describe each of the characteristics and abilities of the shingles that this event brings us.



Mighty Party is an online card game developed by Panoramik Inc. It's very simple and addictive: one touch to put the fighter on the battlefield and only 3 MINUTES to win! It can reveal all your tactical skills: define your opponent's weaknesses and play heroes that can absolutely change the situation on the battlefield and take you to the top of the rankings!
Source: Mighty Party Role Playing Game by @franz54

Global events occur regularly every 2 weeks, occur at the same time for everyone and generally last 5 days from a Friday. There is also 24 hours after the event ends when the Event Resources can still be purchased and spent, although you can no longer perform the missions associated with the Event. After that, everyone who participated in the Event wins a prize based on how many Event Resources the player won during the event, either won or purchased. Event prize chests contain only Event heroes. In addition, many Event Heroes are now only available through the Events or the various stores. Unless otherwise noted, event heroes will not be in the general card pool for chests, except during the event.
Source: Global events by @franz54



Now I am going to present each of the heroes, depending on the chapter of the event, their rarity where I will explain their characteristics and abilities of each of them.



First chapter of the event:

Now I am preparing to present the heroes of each of the chapters that this event presents. Which are the following: This is the first chapter of the event, where we meet the heroes of rare rarity.



BUNNY is the first card presented in the first chapter of this event. It is of rare rarity of the ranged attack or archer type, which at level 1 has 5 attack (atk) and 4 life (hp). Among her abilities we find that she gives 3 pierce to a random ally and when she reaches level 6 she acquires another ability which is that she has 4 pierce. Currently I have her at level 12 with weapons to level her up even more, where at that level she has 27 atk and 20 hp, while the variation of skills between level 1 and 12 is that she gives 6 pierce instead of 3 and has a pierce of 7. Her motto is:



SAGE DISCIPLE is a hero of rare rarity of the ranged attack nature or archer type. At level 1 he has 1 atk and 16 hp, plus the abilities of when activated healing he gets +3 atk and the ability to fly to avoid the attacks of melee heroes. I have him in my team at level 12 with 9 atk and 53 hp, plus the ability to increase his attack when healing is activated is +3. His motto is:



FLESH SPAWN is a rare hero of the melee attack chaos type that at level 1 has 4 atk and 15 hp. His abilities are to freeze the enemies in line for a turn except buildings and at the beginning of the turn he inflicts a damage of 5 to the enemy warlord. I have it at level 12 with the necessary weapons to increase it to the next level, it has 22 atk and 40 hp, in addition to the skills varies the number of damage it inflicts to the enemy warlord, which in this case is 11:



Second chapter

In this chapter you will find the epic cards that this event brings us Among them we find the following ones:



LUCKY RABBIT is an epic hero of the ranged attack order or archer type, who at level 1 has 8 atk and 6 hp. Her abilities are to have 3 pierce and freeze two random enemies for one turn. In my team I have her at level 11 with 26 atk and 36 hp, while in skills varies is that she has 7 pierce at said level. Her motto is:



TURTLE TEACHER is an epic hero of ranged attack nature type or archer, who at level 1 has 8 tk and 22 HP. His abilities are that when attacking an ally gives thorn that causes a 4 damage to enemies, when activated thorns on an ally, he heals in +3 to the warlord ally and finally the ability to fly. Currently I have it in my team since I got it in a past event, it has a level 10 and weapons to increase it to level 11, with 21 atk and 56 hp, besides giving 12 of thorns to allies who attack,he heals in +6 to the allied warlord when activating thorns on allies and flies. His motto is:



TERROR FROM BELOW melee attack chaos type epic hero, who at level 1 has 8 atk and 23 hp. Among his abilities we see that when a hero comes into play (except chaos and buildings) freezes it for a turn and when vampirism is activated in an ally gives +6 hp to all all allies who are in the field. I have him at level 8 with 19 atk and 43 hp, plus he gives +8 hp to all allies when vampirism skill is activated. His motto is:



Third chapter:

Finally we come to the third and final chapter in which we must pass in this event if we want to complete it, however this is difficult, even to get to this chapter because you have to buy many things with real money. In this we find the legendary heroes and considered the best of the event.



MISS LAPIN is a legendary hero of the ranged attack order or archer type, who at level 1 has 15 atk and 14 hp. Her abilities are to give at the end of turn 4 pierce to allies at distances, when attacking she freezes all enemies in line for a turn and when activating pierce on ally she gives +3 life to herself. I have it in my team at level 11 with 62 atk and 43 hp, while in the skills it varies that the piercing it gives to ranged allies is 14 and the life it gives to itself by activating said piercing is +9. Its motto is:



TORTULUS, THE WISE ONE He is a legendary hero of ranged attack nature type or archer that at level 1 has 9 atk and 29 hp. His abilities are those of when being attacked an ally including warlord he heals the allied warlord between 6-10 hp, when dying an ali<do of nature he gives himself +10 atk and flies. I have him in my team at level 8 with 22/50, plus the warlord's healing skills is 10-15 and that the atk that is increased when dying an ally of nature is +27. His motto is:



YSH'TMALA, THE OLD GOD is our last legendary hero that we found in the final chapter of this event. He is a chaos type melee attacker, who at level 1 has atk and 26 hp. This hero has the ability to freeze ranged attack enemies on the battlefield for one turn, immunity (can not be silenced and does not suffer any effect of special abilities) and at the beginning of the turn gives +9 hp to allies. I have it at level 4 in my team with 17/49 respectively plus the life it gives to allies at the start of turn is 11. Its motto is:


NOTE: It is important to know that the skills of the cards described above are level 1, therefore they can improve as you level them up, increasing life, attack and even the number of skills and their effectiveness.


In the event shop we can buy both rare, epic and legendary chests. These will be bought with the eggs collected from the different missions we found at the event. In the rare chest there is an 80% chance that a hero of that rarity will appear, 16% chance that event eggs will come out, 3% chance that gems will come out and 1% chance that an epic rarity hero will come out. In the epic chests there is a 75% chance that an epic hero will appear from the event, 20% eggs, 3% gems and 2% a legendary card. And in the legendary chests it is 62% of a legendary hero, 33% of eggs from the event and 5% of gems.

In addition we also have the extra chest that is spoken when opening a chest number of the rarity that is, the better the rarity of the chest the bar is completed and the same can be obtained the rewards. As the extra chest is opened, it has better rewards than the previous one. There is a 63% chance of getting a legendary hero or 37% chance of getting eggs from the event.



I hope you liked this publication. See you on Friday between 14 days with the next event of this great role-playing game, which shows the combat and strategy.



NOTE APART: the game has had a series of updates, but the highlight is that it has tried to improve the assault mode to make it more interesting and attractive to players, with more valuable and generous rewards. Other of the best ones were that they improved the speed of the game that was really slow after the previous changes, plus they have added other series of changes that if you want to know them I hope you visit the official website, the facebook account and even on their discord channel.



All the images of this Post are Captured from the game made by @franz54

Text separator taken from the post: https://www.tutorialesteemit.com/recomendaciones/separadores-de-texto-para-blog/

Thank you for your visit. I hope you liked it.
Till a next chance

Without further ado, he bids farewell to you, his cordial server @franz54.
