Arisaka Tipo 38 ~ Japan is present in Battlefield 1 ~ [ENG|ESP]

in Hive Gaming6 days ago

Arisaka 38.gif


Buenas mis panas, sean todos bienvenidos, una vez mas, a otra sección de Battlefield 1, donde hoy, estaré comentándoles sobre uno de mis rifles favoritos en el juego, sus Usos, Sus Skins y claro, el porque debe ser considerado una opción al momento de elegir toda esa amalgama de rifles que nos ofrece la clase de Francotirador, dicho esto, también revisaremos un poco sus fallas, y un poco del contexto histórico del mismo, dicho esto comencemos.
Hello my friends, welcome, once again, to another Battlefield 1 section, where today, I will be telling you about one of my favorite rifles in the game, its uses, its Skins and of course, why it should be considered an option when choosing all that amalgam of rifles that the Sniper class offers us, that said, we will also review a little of its flaws, and a little of the historical context of it, that said let's start.



El Arisaka tipo 38 fue un rifle que se remonto a la epoca donde Japon, estaba en su prime Militar, literalmente, Gracias al desarrollo de su industria y de la posterior modernización del estado, Japon logro fortalecer su economía y por ende, dar una potente inversión en sus fuerzas militares, no obstante, para poder ser el sujeto mas temido de Asia, necesitaba un rifle en condiciones, principalmente que no presentara las recurrente fallas que presentaban los rifles mas antiguos, que sufrían de recalentamientos, problemas mecánicos o un desmontaje sumamente complejo, Japón, siendo Japón, aumento la calidad, de sus antiguos rifles, dando como resultado el Arisaka, en el juego se pierde un poco la importancia de este rifle, ya que, al no haber algún teatro en el pacifico, no sientes esa inmersión particular, pero bueno son detallitos que se perdonan, no obstante, ¿Como es en el juego?
The Arisaka type 38 was a rifle that dates back to the time when Japan, was in its prime Military, literally, Thanks to the development of its industry and the subsequent modernization of the state, Japan managed to strengthen its economy and therefore, give a powerful investment in its military forces, however, in order to be the most feared subject of Asia, needed a rifle in conditions, mainly that did not present the recurrent failures that presented the older rifles, Japan, being Japan, increased the quality of their old rifles, giving as a result the Arisaka, in the game the importance of this rifle is lost a little, because, not having any theatre in the pacific, you don't feel that particular immersion, but well they are details that are forgiven, however, how is it in the game?




El Arisaka es sencillamente un Rifle bastante comodo de Usar, aunque parezca un rifle francotirador como cualquier otro, este en realidad tiene varias caracteristicas destacando su optica, el aumento que le podemos dar a la mira, y claro, la inclusion de una poderosa bayoneta para los asaltos mas suicidas que se nos ocurran, además de eso, tiene por ventaja, una cadencia de tirpo bastante aceptable en comparación con otros rifles, no obstante, su recarga, como en casi todos los demas, suele tardar un poco, yendo con las cosas que no me gustan del rifle, es que este, necesita a estar a una distancia ridículamente cerca, para que ocurra el famoso "Sweet Spot" o mejor dicho, el punto donde el rifle maximiza su daño critico, dando como resultado el tener que acertar 2 balas al enemigo para confirmar su eliminación, esto repite con muchos rifles, pero especialmente con la Arisaka siento un despropósito, tal vez porque es el que mas uso.
The Arisaka is simply a rifle quite comfortable to use, although it looks like a sniper rifle like any other, this actually has several features highlighting its optics, the increase that we can give to the sight, and of course, the inclusion of a powerful bayonet for the most suicidal assaults that we can think of, besides that, has for advantage, a fairly acceptable rate of fire compared to other rifles, however, its reloading, As in almost all the others, it tends to take a little while, going with the things I don't like about the rifle, is that it needs to be at a ridiculously close distance, so that the famous ‘Sweet Spot’ occurs or better said, the point where the rifle maximizes its critical damage, resulting in having to hit 2 bullets to the enemy to confirm its elimination, this repeats with many rifles, but especially with the Arisaka I feel a nonsense, perhaps because it is the one I use the most.



En resumen podría definir el Arisaka como un buen rifle para comenzar en la clase de explorador, es bastante comodo de usar y generalmente suele hacer unos 90 de daño al enemigo, lo que da esperanzas a que quizás con algo de soporte del equipo, la eliminación se sume a tu lista de bajas, en fin mi gente, era solo eso por hoy, conforme pase el tiempo sere mas elaborado en estas publicaciones de armas y especialmente de Battlfield, juego del que no consigo retirar mi corazon :) los quiero mucho, un abrazo.
In short I could define the Arisaka as a good rifle to start in the scout class, it is quite comfortable to use and usually does about 90 damage to the enemy, which gives hope that perhaps with some support from the team, the elimination will add to your list of casualties, in short my people, it was just that for today, as time passes I will be more elaborate in these publications of weapons and especially of Battlfield, game that I can not withdraw my heart :) I love you very much, a hug.

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Battlefield 1 is great, I've completed the entire game, in fact I have it in my steam library, but I didn't know that the online was still active? Does it still have people to play good games from time to time? Good post by the way!

its very active, almost everyday I play some rounds in Multiplayer and its awesome, you should try it some day! there is various servers for players with 64 players online

This Action game really awesome. I also love Action game.❤️

Buen post👍🏻