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RE: Legend of Zelda Remade in Unreal Engine Looks Amazing

in Hive Gaming8 months ago

As a learning project to build this style of game it looks great. I think a Nintendo C&D may be likely given how protective they are of their IP. Even if there's no download of it, Lloyd definitely benefited from the buzz around the "Zelda" name being included.

A Link to the Past is my all time favorite Zelda game, though it might be more nolstagia than anything else. The 3DS followup definitely scratched the same itch, much more so than the Link's Awakening remake (the view is, not sure how to explain it). While I definitely enjoy Zelda games, I think my favorite Action RPG is Bloodborne - it's much faster paced than Dark Souls and encourages/forces the player to be more agressive than using the shield often (something that took me a while to get into, but once it clicked, it was a lot of fun).


I know what you mean about how protective Nintendo is. I have watched them shut down projects quickly, let others get near completion, and all forms in between over the years.

Sadly, they are probably too protective. I know even making videos with predominently Nintendo published games on YouTube will result in Nintendo copyright claiming and taking at least part of the revenue earned from the video.

I need to check out Bloodborne. I agree with you about A Link to the Past, that was an amazing title. I grabbed a used 3DS and a copy of that 3DS follow up Nintendo released (I picked it up for $5 new at Walmart - grabbed 2 extra copies of the 8 they had in stock and flipped those on eBay, paying for the 3DS I bought).