It is amazing how the years go by and video games evolve in an incredible way, offering a new experience to both new players and old school players, even the visual details have reached a point where it can be confused with real life, all this is due to the power of the current hardware and rendering software from different companies.
For someone who is just getting into video games it may be something normal or perhaps a little surprising, however, for those who already have more than three or four decades watching the evolution of games can be something totally impressive, but at the same time creepy because of how realistic a video game can look nowadays.
To achieve these results had to pass many generations, starting from a small pixel to more complex graphics, all this is partly due to the evolution of hardware, which every day that passes develop more powerful processors capable of solving operations in microseconds, as well as programs that allow maximum exploitation of GPUs and CPUs.
This software is one of the most relevant things in recent years, starting with Ray Tracing, employed by Nvidia through its latest generation graphics, giving a quite striking and realistic look to different titles. Here would start a new range of possibilities for future developers, a great example is the graphics engine Unreal Engine 5.
This graphics engine was announced in 2021 and was very well received by the gamer community, it has been able to develop different algorithms that, used correctly, can make you believe that an image of a video game or some gameplay is a real life video, among them there are several that stand out in an outstanding way, for example, the Lumen.
Lumen is simply an algorithm that replaces Ray Tracing but in a limited way, remember that Nvidia graphics cards are currently the only ones that have the enormous potential to run this technology efficiently, but for those people who can not enjoy them EPIC designed this, with the intention of giving the user a more realistic experience without the need for such hardware.
Another technology that has left many impressed is Nanite, developed by EPIC for Unreal Engine, adding an impressive definition in the graphics, since it eliminates the number of polygons, offering a visual aspect never seen before, allowing a very realistic level of detail and impeccable perfection.
With these and other technologies, the basis for one of the most incredible changes in the history of video games is being formed, if we add artificial intelligence, which is being perfected every day, we will soon see some really extensive video games, although we must never leave aside all the bases that made all this become a reality.
What do you think about the graphical future of video games? Tell me your opinion in the comments section.
See You!!!
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¿Deseas ver este post en español? Visita: Exxp : https://www.gaboxreviews.site/opinion/la-realista-nueva-generacion-de-videojuegos/
I think this is just the beginning...
It's going to be nuts when the graphics become indistinguishable to real life, but I can also see it bringing a lot more controversy to game
About 3 years ago I played the story of Half-Life 2, I was impressed with the graphics and could not believe it was from 2004, some time later I saw a gameplay of Modern Warfare with Ray Tracing, I was completely crazy with the graphics, I did not believe that this realism barrier could be broken, until I saw the new graphics engines and realistic mods of Minecraft, the goal of seeking realism in a game will continue for many years and we are just beginning to see the extreme realism.