It has been officially 1 year since I’ve joined this amazing community! “Wait a second,” you maybe thinking, “Your profile says it was made back in 2018.” And it does. In fact, it was created back in the Steemit days, however I never really did anything with the account until a year ago. So I thought it might be a fun post if I share with you how I got started on Hive, and kind of reflect on my first “official” year on it.
How I started

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So I started to buy some of those packs. Now, I’m not going to sit here and say that I still have every single card I bought back then as I did sell some for one reason or another, but this was the reason why this account was created. Believe it or not, the only reason I ever created an account was because of @Rentmoney. Years ago, he told me about a neat little kickstarter called SteemMonsters. He explained the concept to me and told me that by donating to the kickstarter you would get Alpha packs that would only be available for people who support the project.

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But RentMoney was having none of this. For the next few years he was always adamant that I should be trying to give it an actual go. He told me that to stay away from Steemit and try Yet, it took until last year for me to actually give it a try, and it was all because of Square Enix’s Guardians of the Galaxy.@Rentmoney also explained to me how Steemit worked and that I should try posting some video game related content over there. So I did. Of course I had no clue what I was doing, so I got almost no upvotes. I took this as a sign that this wasn’t really meant for me and I didn’t bother with it anymore.
I beat GoG just a few days after paying rentmoney a visit, a visit where he suggested that I think about giving this thing a go. GoG was so good, I wanted to talk about. So I decided to finally take him up on his advice. Throughout the whole thing, he gave me a few pointers, such as how I should BE spending just as much time commenting and reading other people’s posts as I do with writing articles.
So I started writing posts on here talking about video games, and being a complete noob, I received a lot of helpful advice that helped me along my way on here. But I wanted to do something different, something that worked the more creative side of me, which is why I decided to start the “My Story” series with Fable 1. These articles chronicled the game through a first person perspective, and goddamn, did they ever take long to write. It involved me playing the game, recording the gameplay, going back and watching the gameplay, then writing.
Unfortunately, the time it took me to do everything killed the fun of the series off for me, which is why I decided to stop that series.
But it was soon after that I came up with a goal. I got addicted to seeing my rep go up. So I was determined that within a year I would hit sweet number 70 with that, and as you guys can see, it is something that has happened!

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Hive has done for me, more than I can say
I can talk about how Hive helped me upgrade my PC setup and was the push I needed to do such, but instead I want to talk about something that it helped me overcome that has been plaguing me for some quite sometime and that is anxiety around the way I sound.
After writing on Hive for a few months, I had an urge to start doing videos. It was something I always wanted to do, but I had a huge anxiety about speaking because of my voice ( speech problem). I decided to bite the bullet one day here on Hive and do a “lets play” with commentary, and I’m not going to say that after posting it my anxiety magically disappeared, but the comments under the video helped out a lot with me wanting to continue to make videos.
This eventually led me down the route of purchasing a good webcam and a good mic. Which, in turn led me to create videos for YouTube. Through editing my videos I realized that my voice isn’t as messed up as it sounded, and that anxiety I have now about my voice is pretty much nonexistent.
I know you may find this stupid, but for someone who has GAD, having one less thing to be anxious about can mean the world.
My Plans for the future
When it comes to Hive, I can dedicate more time than most to it because I am a seasonal worker, so in the winter, I pretty much do squat. Over the past year I have been using my earnings from hive to upgrade my PC, so that I can expand the amount of content that I can do. My most recent purchase was a secret lab chair that I hope helps out with my Sciatica. The chair that I am using now is being held together by a bunch of string. Once the chair gets in I’ll post an article about it!
But this year, I actually wanted to set a goal for myself. I want to start diving evermore into the crypto sphere. I want to learn more about tokens, and start getting invested in them, because as of now, I know only the bare minimum.

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When it comes to HP, my goal is to have 2000 banked by this time next year, which I think is a more than realistic goal. If I happen to reach that goal earlier, I will be changing it to a higher amount.
I also want to nerd out to the highest degrees on here. What do I mean by that? Well, you guys might have already seen my post The Hidden Lore Behind the Hidden Blades. One of the things that I want to do is dive into lore behind games that some people may not know. I think that this will be a fun adventure, mostly because it’ll take some digging and research which I love! ( If you want me to geek out on certain stuff, let me know!)

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When it comes to videos, I’m hoping to start livestreaming this year. One of the big things that stopped me from doing this was my computer chair as the slightest movement on it causes it to creak and groan (yay for a three year old $300 chair). And with the SL chair coming in, I can’t use that as an excuse any longer.
This past year on here though, has been nuts. I’ve talked to a few people on here that I would consider friends. I love sharing my opinions, and hearing others opinions. When I came on here, I honestly didn’t expect to feel the sense of community that I did.
So I guess here is to another year!

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¡Ha pasado oficialmente 1 año desde que me uní a esta increíble comunidad! “Espera un segundo”, quizás estés pensando, “tu perfil dice que se hizo en 2018”. Y lo hace De hecho, se creó en los días de Steemit, sin embargo, nunca hice nada con la cuenta hasta hace un año. Así que pensé que podría ser una publicación divertida si comparto con ustedes cómo comencé en Hive y reflexiono sobre mi primer año "oficial" en él.
como comencé

Entonces comencé a comprar algunos de esos paquetes. Ahora, no me voy a sentar aquí y decir que todavía tengo todas las tarjetas que compré en ese entonces, ya que vendí algunas por una razón u otra, pero esta fue la razón por la que se creó esta cuenta.Lo creas o no, la única razón por la que creé una cuenta fue @Rentmoney. Hace años, me habló de un pequeño y genial impulsor de arranque llamado SteemMonsters. Me explicó el concepto y me dijo que al donar al kickstarter obtendrías paquetes Alpha que solo estarían disponibles para las personas que apoyan el proyecto.
@Rentmoney también me explicó cómo funciona Steemit y que debería intentar publicar contenido relacionado con videojuegos allí. Así que lo hice. Por supuesto, no tenía idea de lo que estaba haciendo, así que casi no obtuve votos a favor. Tomé esto como una señal de que esto no era realmente para mí y ya no me molesté más.
Pero RentMoney no tenía nada de esto. Durante los años siguientes, siempre insistió en que yo debería intentarlo de verdad. Me dijo que me mantuviera alejado de Steemit y probara Sin embargo, me llevó hasta el año pasado intentarlo, y todo fue gracias a Guardianes de la Galaxia de Square Enix.
Vencí a GoG solo unos días después de pagar una visita con el dinero del alquiler, una visita en la que me sugirió que pensara en intentarlo. GoG fue tan bueno que quería hablar. Así que finalmente decidí aceptar su consejo. A lo largo de todo el proceso, me dio algunos consejos, por ejemplo, cómo debería ESTAR dedicando tanto tiempo a comentar y leer las publicaciones de otras personas como a escribir artículos.
Así que comencé a escribir publicaciones aquí hablando de videojuegos y, siendo un completo novato, recibí muchos consejos útiles que me ayudaron en mi camino aquí. Pero quería hacer algo diferente, algo que trabajara en mi lado más creativo, por lo que decidí comenzar la serie "Mi historia" con Fable 1. Estos artículos narraban el juego a través de una perspectiva en primera persona, y maldita sea, lo hicieron. siempre tardan en escribir. Me involucró jugar el juego, grabar el juego, regresar y mirar el juego, luego escribir.
Desafortunadamente, el tiempo que me tomó hacer todo acabó con la diversión de la serie para mí, por lo que decidí detenerla.
Pero fue poco después de que se me ocurrió una meta. Me volví adicto a ver subir mi reputación. Así que estaba decidido a que dentro de un año alcanzaría el dulce número 70 con eso, y como pueden ver, ¡es algo que ha sucedido!

Hive ha hecho por mí, más de lo que puedo decir
Puedo hablar sobre cómo Hive me ayudó a actualizar la configuración de mi PC y fue el impulso que necesitaba para hacerlo, pero en cambio, quiero hablar sobre algo que me ayudó a superar y que me ha estado atormentando durante bastante tiempo y es la ansiedad en torno a la forma en que sueno.
Después de escribir en Hive durante unos meses, sentí la urgencia de comenzar a hacer videos. Era algo que siempre quise hacer, pero tenía una gran ansiedad por hablar debido a mi voz (problema del habla). Decidí morder la bala un día aquí en Hive y hacer un "vamos a jugar" con comentarios, y no voy a decir que después de publicarlo, mi ansiedad desapareció mágicamente, pero los comentarios debajo del video me ayudaron mucho. con ganas de seguir haciendo videos.
Esto finalmente me llevó por el camino de comprar una buena cámara web y un buen micrófono. Lo que, a su vez, me llevó a crear videos para YouTube. Al editar mis videos, me di cuenta de que mi voz no está tan desordenada como sonaba, y que la ansiedad que tengo ahora sobre mi voz es prácticamente inexistente.
Sé que puede encontrar esto estúpido, pero para alguien que tiene GAD, tener una cosa menos por la que estar ansioso puede significar el mundo.
Mis planes para el futuro
Cuando se trata de Hive, puedo dedicarle más tiempo que la mayoría porque soy un trabajador de temporada, así que en el invierno, casi me pongo en cuclillas. Durante el último año, he estado usando mis ganancias de Hive para actualizar mi PC, de modo que pueda expandir la cantidad de contenido que puedo hacer. Mi compra más reciente fue una silla de laboratorio secreta que espero me ayude con mi ciática. La silla que estoy usando ahora se mantiene unida por un montón de cuerdas. ¡Una vez que la silla entre, publicaré un artículo al respecto!

Pero este año, en realidad quería fijarme una meta. Quiero empezar a sumergirme cada vez más en la criptoesfera. Quiero aprender más sobre tokens y comenzar a invertir en ellos, porque a partir de ahora, solo sé lo mínimo.

Cuando se trata de HP, mi meta es tener 2000 en el banco para esta fecha el próximo año, lo que creo que es una meta más que realista. Si alcanzo ese objetivo antes, lo cambiaré a una cantidad mayor.
También quiero ser nerd en los grados más altos aquí. ¿Qué quiero decir con eso? Bueno, es posible que ya hayan visto mi publicación The Hidden Lore Behind the Hidden Blades. Una de las cosas que quiero hacer es sumergirme en la tradición detrás de los juegos que algunas personas pueden no conocer. Creo que esta será una aventura divertida, principalmente porque requerirá un poco de investigación e investigación, ¡lo cual me encanta! (Si quieres que me entusiasme con ciertas cosas, ¡avísame!

Cuando se trata de videos, espero comenzar a transmitir en vivo este año. Una de las cosas más importantes que me impidió hacer esto fue la silla de mi computadora, ya que el más mínimo movimiento hace que cruje y gima (¡bien por una silla de $ 300 de tres años). Y con la llegada de la silla SL, ya no puedo usar eso como excusa.
Sin embargo, este último año aquí ha sido una locura. He hablado con algunas personas aquí que consideraría amigos. Me encanta compartir mis opiniones y escuchar las opiniones de los demás. Cuando vine aquí, sinceramente, no esperaba sentir el sentido de comunidad que tuve.
Así que supongo que aquí es por otro año!

My friend I congratulate you! after seeing your retrospective I am pleased with your dedication to creating content! and quite interesting content! I think I still have a few months to go before a year of constantly creating content here at HIVE.
Can I ask you how to get daily votes in each article you publish, especially steeply, how do you do it?
Thank you very much for your answer, it is something that would help me a lot!
I couldn't tell you. I just make sure that the content I post is the content that I would read, I try to spend time out of the day commenting on other peoples post and just talking to them, and I tend to post regulary.
I got really lucky in a lot of aspects of it, but it's all about community my dude. The $ is always nice, but it's not the reason why I am here. Starting out I was more focused than anything about reaching Rep 70, and focused on making sure people would enjoy my writing.
You've just got to find a certain groove and go with it. Posting should never feel like a chore.
Really thanks for your answer friend!
No problem!
Hooray for being here and for being able to upgrade your PC with your Hive Success! 😊😊😊
Uggghhhhhh, I have the same problem. Mine's only a year old 🤣 but I like to practically jump onto my seat and whip my legs up cross-legged in a single smooth motion and doing that multiple times a day really wears a chair out, haha! Creeeeeeeeeeak.
My pittie actually broke mine. For some reason if I leave the door open to my computer room, she'll go in and hop on the chair. Which isn't that big of a deal but she has a skin condition that can make her really itchy at times, so she'd scratch herself like crazy on the chair. She did this around a month or so ago and pretty much broke the chair completely, which is why I have it held together by a bunch of strings xD.
The chair I got, i got it around 3 years ago, and as soon as the year warranty was up it started to crumble, first was the padding on the arm rest, then it refused to adjust, then my dog broke it, and now a bar that was in the backrest is coming through it.
I honestly hope that SL chair lasts me a good while. Seeing as it has a 5 year warranty, I think it will.
I hope your future chair is comfortable! I've heard a lot of good things about Secret Labs chairs, but at the same time I've been iffy about buying one myself because it looks like a typical gamer chair. When I first moved in with my partner I used his old gamer chair... and god DAMN it was uncomfortable and I couldn't sit cross-legged on it. My back was in agony.
I ended up buying an office chair designed for people sitting at their desks all day, one suitable for 200kg butts for size and comfort, and it's great! Started deteriorating and squeaking and creaking and making horrid noises way sooner than I thought it would though. I hop onto it a little more carefully now in case the seat breaks. I can't even glance over my shoulder without the thing making noise, haha!
One of the reasons I went with SL is because of the size of the XL as a 400lb 6'6 dude, ama big boi xD. I heard that they take around a month to break in but afterwards they're pretty comfy.
And it's the creaking with my chair that I find the most annoying, especially when recording videos! I figured that I would dish out that extra $ for a SL in the hopes that it'll last a lot longer xD
A fantastic first year, and it's always great to see Hive paving the way for real-world improvements like your PC. I look forward to many future interactions as you continue your journey!
It's an awesome feeling! I love posting on Hive, and seeing that there are folks out there that enjoy reading my posts makes it all the more better!
So you also came to hive because of splintelands, there are a lot of people who know about hive because of splintelands.
Hive helping you upgrade your PC sounds wonderful.
As this is your 1 year as you mentioned, should I wish you a happy hive birthday? Because I've seen people celebrating hive birthdays.
Yup, Splinterland was a part of the reason, but the bigger one was my brother.
And it's pretty sweet. I would never have thought of becoming a "PC Guy" before joining hive!
It sounds great.