 2 years ago (edited) 

Right? xD Scheming so-and-so. She really pissed off this current character. Though that's my bad for telling her that her father needed to die. I forgot that you're not supposed to tell her that. 😅

I'm only tolerating her this time around for something different. Normally I make Alistair king, or either my character or Anora will rule alongside him as Queen. This will be my first time allowing Anora to keep her crown solo.

I usually have her and Allistair ruling side by side. The only time that didn't happen I chose to romance her as a cousland. The conversation between you and Loghain in Awakening is pretty funny, IIRC. And it seems at least from awakening that Anora geneuinly likes Cousland.

 2 years ago  

I've never actually kept Loghain alive, nor had a male noble character. My canon playthrough is a male mage who romanced Morrigan, but that's the only male I ever played.

I DID want to do a complete asshole playthrough who would've kept Loghain alive and turned Alistair into a drunk, but I never made it past Lothering. It's hilarious at first, the reactions to things you do and say, but then I feel bad and can't continue onward, haha. 😅

When Loghain becomes a grey warden his perspective completely changes. He admits that what he did was wrong and it sucks that you can't keep both him and Allistair ( although I think you can if you harden Alistair)

With Anora, when you talk to her in Awakening, it does seem like she actually like Cousland, as she doesn't act like a total B, like she does with Alistair. And Loghain actually talks about "producing heirs" IIRC. I can't remember the exact convo as it has been a few years since I did that playthrough.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Huh. The more you know! I always thought that no matter what, if you wanted Loghain alive then Alistair would leave... just investigated, and the only way you can have both is if you harden Alistair and have him marry Anora. Instead of killing Loghain, "Anora's love for her father will stay Alistair's hand."


Now we're even since it's because of you I found out about Morrigan's mirror!