It's one of those double standards that a lot of people don't like to talk about. There is a certain image that is placed on men, just as much as a woman. Growing up I would always see these ads playing on T.V telling young girls that beauty standards were unrealistic, but never once did I see an ad playing telling a guy the same thing.
When it comes to sexualization in video games, let me rephrase that to over-sexualization, I think the problem that stems from it is not creating a relatable character, or a character that is just put there for sex appeal, because hey, sex sells.
When I think of the latter, the immediate character that jumps to mind is Quiet from MGS V.
When I was taking Video Game Development and Design, this was one of the topics we discussed. When we get right down to it, over-sexualization happens in video games because it sells, and usually games that over-sexualize characters get free PR.
in short, it's always the dirty money that comes first xD