Revan's and the Exile's story is continued in the tie in book for SWTOR called SWTOR Revan. It shows Revan and the exile going up against the emp. The game then continues that story, and we got a full whole revan xpac called Shadows of Revan!
I honestly hope the KOTOR remake is actually good and does the original justice
That sounds awesome. I’m going to need to find this book SWTOR Revan. Sounds epic.
Yeah hopefully the remake is good. I’m wondering if they could do it without changing too much about the original. Seems like tweaking source material is a popular trend nowadays.
It's not too long of a read. It covers Revan and him going on the hunt despite the council's objection and it follows Scourage, a sith pure blood rising up through the ranks of the empire.
Scourge is actually a companion to the JK in SWTOR!