I rarely comment saying anything negative on here, but this post kinda got under my skin. Your "facts on gamers" is just wrong. Not all gamers have high IQ's, not all of them are intelligent, not all of them are quiet, in fact I'm the prime example of that being false as I usually speak loudly. Gamers play all types of games, not just their favorites, the perfect example of this is Trophy Hunters.
I get it it if you're saying these are opinions but what irks me is that you label them as facts.
Actually I wrote this based on my own view, perspective and experience.
It okay for you to see it from another view.
Thanks so much for checking my post,I'll try to improve on my lackings.
I really appreciate your presence
No problem, but I would really take that "Facts on Gamers" bit out of there, because they're not really facts. Maybe something like "My opinion on Gamers," would be better.