The Media is trying to blame video games for desensitizing mass shooters! | Los medios están tratando de culpar a los videojuegos por desensibilizar a los tiradores masivos. | Eng - Esp

in Hive Gaming3 years ago (edited)
 3 years ago  

this isn’t my opinion, but a fucking fact.

I completely agree. Previously my aunt used to take away my video games when I used to be sick because she said that consoles gave diseases (and while it was true that there were warnings like danger of epilepsy and stuff like that, I guess older people assumed that it could also give other kinds of diseases lol).

Relying on the word of the media is absurd. Not only do they misrepresent information about video games, but about virtually ANY possible subject. Not long ago I saw a video about the media manipulation of CNN and other news outlets, constantly repeating the same message over and over again. It's completely insane when you do a little more research about this.

This is a Spanish video, so just skip it to 20:40 and you'll notice what I'm talking about XD

My god, it's like listening to robots talk.

And these days my mother is a lot smarter. When she hears something about video games on the news she'll often ask me about it. I mean it's frigging ridiclous. Just look at the Kyle Rittenhouse trail. No matter where you stand on that I think everyone can say it's absurd that the presecutor was trying to link the fact that Kyle played COD to the shootings.

Had no idea of this massacre but it's such a stupid thing to blame games for violence. I remember my mom was saying the same when she was seeing me playing shooters. I actually see the games more like a great way to escape from reality and forget about daily routines and stress, which has nothing to do with the bad things happening out there.

100% and as a kid that's what I often used video games for. They helped me deal with my depression and anxiety. All it is, is fear mongering. I'm just glad that during the interview Zapor was smart enought to not fall into the trap Jon Scott tried to lay.

It's so goddamn predictable and so incredibly lazy.
I'd expect this kind of outrageous knee jerk reaction on Facebook Boomer group pages, not by a "news" anchor. I'm sure he didn't provide any evidence or facts that videogames had any link at all to these shooters.

For the Buffalo case it could not be more clear... the shooter left his manifesto and diaries. We all have access to his daily thoughts, his anxieties, his news sources, his fears and his reasons. None of it was about videogames, and instead was about his racist outrage that minorities should be wiped out based on misinformation he got from 4chan, Fox, etc. It is all there, which makes it all the more outrageous that lazy news reporting targets videogames.

I 100% agree. I never read the full manifesto, but have read parts about it. What gets me is that he was trying to get Zapor to agree with him, and at one point it seems like he was going to ask him if he suggests that video games desensitized people, but then he quickly changed his mind. Thankfully, Zapor was actually smart and didn't fall into that line of questioning.

Whenever a mass shooting happens, it's always video games. In 2022, you would think that the media would be better than that. But then again, they like causing fear in parents that don't know any better.

I honestly hope we hear less and less on this angle. Fox in particular targets cable-watching boomers... who haven't been into games so much so of course their audience will agree with them. Gen X, Gen Y, Millennials and Gen Z have been playing games their entire lives and know it's absolutely not true... so hopefully this uneducated argument dies out and maybe we can actually start to work the actual documented reasons on why people are getting radicalized enough to cause mass murder.

That's the thing. Blaming video games is as stupid as blaming MacDonalds because the shooter use to eat there.

 3 years ago  

I have to admit that it bothers me to this day that stuff like this is STILL happening (blaming games for every evil in the world), specially about how there was that brief time during the beginning of the Quarantine that, in a ironic turn of events, were actually somewhat praising games for being a way to spend your free time at home...and that's the only even remotely positive thing I've ever heard from mainstream media about games.

Oh well, good thing I never cared too much about that, but I'd say that its probably the reason why I don't really like to discuss my stuff about games often unless its with people I know as friends IRL, or on a place on the internet where I know that its for discussing games.

They've been doing this for a really long time. I remember when they first started doing this back in the 80's. The media loves to find something to point the finger at other than the individual and their parents. It has to be anything other than personal responsibility.

Amen to this. It's easier to just blame video games, then to look at the real problem.

No creo que toda la culpa de esto sea de los video juegos. Estos incidentes ocurren más que todo en Estados Unidos un país donde la armas las pueden conseguir fácilmente y que vive un declive de sus valores por eso eventos así no pasaban hace 30 o 40 años atrás.

Tengo que estar en desacuerdo con decir que es porque las armas se obtienen más fácilmente. Ha sido relativamente recientemente que han ocurrido estos tiroteos masivos. Es un problema con la sociedad y cómo son las personas ahora frente a cómo eran las personas en ese entonces. Y es algo que debería investigarse más. En lugar de simplemente culpar a una cosa o la otra.

Sin embargo, estoy de acuerdo en que los valores han cambiado.

Todos estos actos son algo realmente triste y preocupante de como cada vez parecen ser mas cotidianos pero decir que es por cual de los videojuegos es una completa estupidez, a mi parecer es un problema social que va mucho mas allá de un factor externo como podría ser jugar a un videojuego de disparos.
Siempre que veo esas opiniones sobre como por culpa de los videojuego aumenta la violencia en la sociedad no puede dejar de pensar en todos los actos de violencia, guerras y demás horrores que han existido en la historia cuando no habían sido inventados los videojuegos y pensar. "aja y en esa época a que culpaban? a los libros relacionados con guerra?. buen post amigo :D

Soy exactamente de la misma manera. Ha habido un montón de atrocidades cometidas a lo largo de la historia antes de que los juegos se convirtieran en una cosa. Dudo mucho que los romanos acabaran con los cartagineses porque un videojuego también se lo dijo. Los videojuegos se han convertido en la nueva cosa más fácil de culpar.

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Blame video games. Blame the NRA. Blame modern rifles. Blame violent movies. Come up with a reason to write more laws and enforce them at gunpoint, and wonder why violence plagues society when government is built on a foundation of theft and violence from the start.

It's all about placing blame on something that isn't to blame so that people don't start looking towards the real problems.

Fox is looking for nearly any reason this happened that's not the one the killer literally wrote a 100+ page manifesto about: The Great Replacement. They've spent years giving this worldview hundreds of hours of airtime to the point that it's one of the main talking points on their most popular show in Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Making this issue about guns ownership and video games is convenient for the network and, as they have no shame and their viewship are not the type to think critically about this kind of thing, there is zero downside for them.

I think it's the same with any news network like Fox. They say things that they know that will get them views it's why the entire time trump was in office CNN never said a single good thing about him and why Fox had nothing but good things to say.

 3 years ago (edited) 

These sorts of talk are bonkers. Many studies conducted before prove otherwise; gaming does not influence violence. Gamers become irritated when there is either lag or issue with the device only. Sad to see that they still are trying to tie it to the only place where many people find peace, where they can get away from the worldly problems for some time.

Seriously though. I just read an article by a writer for a website that pretty much said "even though all these studies say this about video games, they're wrong" I'm going to be posting an article/video about it tomorrow!

So the degradation of society, sexual aberrations, the murder of unborn children, and all the evil and suffering seen in the world is also the fault of video games?

Actually it's all a combination, since an increasingly degraded society will bring with it much worse things, and it's all what they learn from previous generations. Sure, video games may have something to do with it, since killing someone in cold blood can also damage someone's mind, but it is also the abuse they suffer daily that leads them to commit horrible acts, I know people who all their lives have played GTA, CS among others and until now have not gone out with a rifle to kill people en masse.

Mental illness is another decisive factor in these situations, and of course the evil influence on people.

 3 years ago (edited) 

I 100% believe that video games can act as a cataylyst for things, but at the same time, if it wasn't video games that were the "trigger" it would have been something else. Like I mentioned about the pastors son. If it wasn't Halo 3 that triggered this event, it would have been something else.

I never delved into it too much but the son planned it out. He took the gun from his fathers safe, walked downstairs when his parents were watching tv and told them to close their eyes that he had a surprise for them. He shot them both in the head, the mother died while the father sat on the couch for hours still alive. IIRC (I maybe wrong) but I believe it was his other brother(maybve sister) who found their parents and called the cops. They thought the father was going to die, but he pulled through. And what's amazing is that he actually forgave his son for doing it.

Well, with so many problems and abuses that people go through, it is normal to hear things like this.

Nunca fue culpa de los videojuegos, de hecho, en su tiempo querían echarle la culpa a la televisión, el problema es más complejo, no quiero profundizar, pero en resumen se tiende a escuchar a quien conviene.