Hello there Hive Gaming, today I wanted to look over the Runeterra Meta, see what's strong, what's not, what may be in the future, what I think should be nerfed/buffed.
Salutari Hive Gaming, astăzi doresc să analizez meta-ul din Runeterra, să vedem ce e puternic, ce nu e, ce va fi in viitor si poate și ce cred că ar trebuit nerf-uit sau buff-uit.
What I consider the best deck of this patch, and last patch is Thresh Nasus, doing a very good job of stomping the other S-tier deck, Irellia Azir and has a pretty hard time with Draven Ezreal which will negate your slays. Even after the Atrocity and Caretaker nerfs Thresh Nasus still dominates the ladder with a 56 - 57% winrate.
Ce consider eu ca si cel mai bun deck din acest patch, si patch-ul dinainte este Thresh Nasus, care face o treaba foarte buna in a opri celalalt S-tier deck, si anume Irellia Azir, dar care insa are un timp putin mai greu cu Draven Ezreal care ne va opri slay-urile. Chiar si dupa nerf-urile Atrocity-ului si Caretaker-ului Thresh Nasus inca domina si va continua sa domine ladder-ul cu un winrate de 56 - 57%
Ok, moving on to the new deck of the patch: Irellia Azir. An annoying deck that will kill you while attacking 6 times while you have the attack token, how is that? By using the new: Blade Dance, keyword. I think we will see a nerf next patch for either Azir or Irellia, but not for both at the same time, and maybe the Blade Dance followers will get a mana increase nerf. Azir and Irellia are like the perfect couple, both complete eachother, Azir likes Irellia's blades and levels up faster, and Irellia likes Azir's Soldiers and levels up faster. (Tip: Irellia can still be swapped with Bladesurge if she is stunned.)
Ok, trecand mai departe la noul deck din acest patch: Irellia Azir. Un deck enervant care te va omori in timp ce te ataca de 6 ori cat timp tu ai tokenul de attack, cum face asta? Folosind noul keyword: Blade Dance. Cred ca vom avea un nerf patch-ul urmator pentru Azir sau Irellia, dar nu pentru amandoi in acelasi timp, si poate si pentru followeri cu keyword-ul Blade Dance, care probabil isi vor lua nerf printr-o crestere de mana. Azir si Irellia sunt perechea perfecta, amandoi se completeaza, lui Azir ii plac cutitele Irelliei, iar Irelliei ii plac soldatii lui Azir. (Pont: Irellia poate fi swapped cu Bladesurge chiar daca este stunata.)
And last but not the least: Draven Ezreal. Didn't really play that much of this or against, all I can say assume that they always have tri-beam in hand.
Ultimul dar nu si cel din urma: Draven Ezreal. Nu am jucat atat de mult cu sau impotriva acestui deck, tot ce pot sa spun este sa presupui ca inamicul mereu are tri-beam in mana.
All deck images were taken from
Legit looks like a fun game!
It truly is a pretty good game that takes a lot of inspiration from Magic The Gathering.
Yay! 🤗
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