Ant Miners Called to Action 🐜🐜🐜

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Well, I have bought the Ant Miners card just in case… The Scavenger ability caught my eye. Besides, it’s one of the cheapest cards in the flame pack. Alas, the card is also super weak with 1 speed, 1 base life and 1 melee attack. So I basically haven’t been using Ant Miners for a while, especially since I purchased Flame Monkey. Anyways, a challenge is a challenge, so I called them back to action… And to die, as I expected. Quite surprisingly, my And Miners survived this one:


When it comes to low-mana battles, Red pack with Cerberus in front is my sure pick. Thanks to his healing ability, he can stand longer than any other tank. And for 4 mana only, what a bargain. Ant Miners were just behind to shield any kind of Blast or Opportunity attack (unless they would manage the extra life somehow before being struck). The Serpentine Spy is an elite damage dealer (in low mana packs), especially when backed by Malric Inferno. I couldn’t miss him. And Kobold Miner with 1 extra summoner’s melee damage is a great value for 2 mana points.

My opponent didn’t choose well, using a card that cannot attack from the second position in a brawl like that isn’t really wise. He should have used anything else – I had two cars that would be killed with a single strike. However, thanks to the fact that I lacked any range or magic card, his elite sniper attacked my tank and all my attackers remained safe.

Ant Miners? ❌ No, thank you ❌

And my feelings towards Ant Miners? They could hide back to their nest and keep mining whatever they mine. I won’t likely summon them for a while. Unless there’s another challenge, of course.


Hi @godfish!

I'd like to introduce you to our new project coming to Hive this September.

Lootjoy is a provably fair and transparent gaming platform powered by the Hive blockchain that allows its users to win NFTs from a wide variety of popular collections across a selection of major blockchains. This Septmeber we'll be giving our players the ability to win a selection of Splinterlands cards from our exclusive loot crates.

You can find out more in our introduction post:

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Když už hraju Ant miner, tak ho dávám většinou jako předposledního, aby měl trochu času na scavange pak se z něj v pozdější fázi hry stává karta, která většinou rohodne hru v můj prospěch. Každopádně velmi dobrá volba nízkých, ale smrtelných karet.

Jsem zvědav, kdy se na podobnou úroveň dostanu, jestli se tam dostanu.

Tohle je celkem obyčejná karta a ty ostatní jsou ze základního balíčku, máš je taky.

Díky.Objevují se mi nějaké splintertalks žetony... Co s nimi? Má to nějakou souvislost se #splintertalks ? Jak toho použít?

Nejsem si jist, co máš na mysli. Printscreen by pomohl.

SPT - Splinterlands token Za to dostávám, co s tím kromě prodeje můžu dělat?


Za to, co vlastníš. Je to vypsané v té tabulce v horním obrázku - za karty, za vlastněné DEC, za herní věci které si koupíš... Každý den je airdrop.

SPT a SPS jsou dva různé tokeny - SplinterTALK a SplinterSHARDS. Ten první je za blogování s tagem #splinterlands, druhý to, o čem jsem psal výše. Dá se stakeovat, aktuální RoI je poměrně dost přes 100 %.

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121